The Power Of One Income Members Deserve The Best and We Plan To Deliver!

It's time to show Internet users how they are being treated simply as numbers on the Internet and it's also time to give them an honest reliable alternative that they are not accustomed to. Please people, wake up and smell the poison your taking in!
Feb. 16, 2011 - PRLog -- For way too long, far too many programs on the Internet have been delivering second or third class support for their members.

It seems to me that the only thing they are interested in is numbers. Why? Simply so they can grow that huge list so many talk about that is supposedly crucial to success. What on earth ever happened to the old saying, "Quality before Quantity?"
Yep! We are reverting back to where we came from and like working in a factory, are becoming nothing more than a number to provide success for those at the top.

I for one would rather have low numbers of "quality people" in my organization (Members that own a stake in the business) then a bunch of free members looking for the "Pie-In-The-Sky" that they seem to think they will get without working for it.

It's time to wake up and smell the coffee people!

Just think for a minute why those high list numbers are so important to the so called "Marketing Gurus" out there. Don't you know you've been sucked in to their game and they laugh at you all the way to the bank? Yep! I've been a sucker as well. But you know what? Not any more my friend. Not any more!
The only reason the numbers are so important to these guys & gals is so that they can just keep right on selling you a fresh opportunity or product every week. The end result of which is you turning into a "Program Hopper"! It's no wonder you can't succeed. Your just a number. Numbers don't succeed. They just provide facts!
So why not become a "High Quality Smart Individual"? How?

By sticking to one thing, learning it and developing it into a proven income source that will look after you for years to come. Something you can actually pass on to your loved ones if you so choose.

Okay, enough of my ranting and raving on them. They really don't matter to me except for what they get away with and yes, It is definitely a pet peeve of mine.
So what makes me as the owner of ThePowerOfOneIncome4Life ( so different from them?
Simply this and I love putting my money where my mouth is!

Our program was designed to give all who wished to participate a "More-Than-Fair" chance to work it and successfully achieve the income levels they are so desperately searching for.
Anyone who joins us has 3 months to try it at zero cost. If at that time they don't contribute to our membership by upgrading, they are simply deleted from our complete database.
If we were only interested in numbers, we would keep their emails and push Clickbank or other products on them.

No! We don't want and are not interested in a bunch of what we call "Freebies" who are looking to do nothing with their business but rely on others to grow it for them. Instead we are searching for honest people who can be mentored into providing an honest income source while not misleading or representing us.
People deserve the truth and we highly demand that all our members give it to them!

I will not continue to go on about our program since I don't wish to turn this release into an ad campaign but, I will say this. We are committed to changing the way business is conducted on the Internet and we will not default on the promises we deliver to our unique membership! They deserve the best from us and that's what they will get.

If you feel like your tired of being a number bouncing around with no end in site and, want to make a change in that lifestyle; Then please do feel free to stop by and visit us to learn more about what and who we are. As the owner, I can guarantee you will be respected and not lied to!

Thank you very much for the time you took away from your loved ones to read this release and God Bless you and yours!

Maurice Bernier
Owner/CEO - ThePowerOfOneIncome4Life

# # # is dedicated to taking the average stay at home mom or dad from rags to great income. Work our business at home from your PC and you will definitely achieve excellent earnings. Only 2 hours daily needed along with our guidance for good results.

We were established in November of 2010 and are dedicated to eliminating corrupt business practices by showing all our members how to avoid their traps. Each member is provided with a free 31 day course/email series that attempts to show them how they can easily be deceived on the Internet by master manipulators. Our goal and what we practice is to consider our members budgets above all else while maintaining an open and honest relationship.

Our greatest attribute by far, is that we keep in close verbal contact with our associates at all times. The owner can be reached 5 days a week through Skype and has adjusted his schedule to be able to accommodate the world clock ! See the "Meetings/Calls" page for more.

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