Cure Angular Cheilitis - Angular Cheilitis Remedy

You may be suffering from angular cheilitis if you have sores around the corners of your mouth that are making drinking, eating and speaking so uncomfortable and painful, and if these symptoms have lasted for more than a few days.
By: Sarah Kaser
June 17, 2010 - PRLog -- You may be suffering from angular cheilitis if you have sores around the corners of your mouth that are making drinking, eating and speaking so uncomfortable and painful, and if these symptoms have lasted for more than a few days. Fortunately, coming up with an effective natural angular cheilitis remedy can be easily achieved by targeting the root cause of the problem and eliminating it.

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As mentioned previously, angular cheilitis can be cured or avoided in several ways depending on the cause of the problem. For example, one very effective prevention technique is to avoid irritating the lips, so if you have the habit of licking or biting your lip, stop it. In addition to that, if in case, cosmetic or particular toothpaste is triggering the irritation or an allergic response, then you should discontinue using them.

A good way to address this problem is by taking supplements and/or focusing on foods that provide the B vitamins, most especially if a deficiency in the B vitamins is detected. You can get vitamin B2 from dairy products, certain green leafy vegetables, brewer’s yeast, cereals, and meats. Foods such as beans, rice, peanuts, fish and eggs are excellent source of vitamins B3 and B6.

In addition to that make sure that you only use lip balm that contains any of the following: sunscreen, beeswax or petroleum jelly. There are also substances that you can use such as cocoa butter, aloe vera, vitamin E oil and unsalted butter to the affected area which are proven to be very effective in alleviating the discomforts of having this skin condition.  

Angular cheilitis remedy also entails adjusting dentures that do not fit properly in order to prevent lip irritation due to friction and to allow the mouth to properly close. This will effectively prevent saliva build-up on the corners of the mouth. It is very important to keep the corners of the mouth dry to allow the cheilitis to heal.

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