How To Sew A Zipper. Here Some Instructions.

Let's say your zipper gets stuck and the only way to fix it will be to replace it. You can bring it to a tailor or you can do it yourself as long as you know how to sew a zipper and here are some tips.
By: SewingMachines
June 9, 2010 - PRLog -- Naturally, you have to buy a replacement zipper. It should be longer than what you actually need to avoid stitching near the bulk of the pull tab. You should preshrink the zipper since this helps prevent buckling later on if the tape shrinks.

Next, interface the garment zipper seam allowances with a lightweight fusible knit interfacing.

Romina Abrigo Editor of the "Sewing Machines For Sale" website -- -- pointed out;

“…Cut 2 strips of the fusible knit interfacing measuring an inch wide on the straight or grain and fuse it to the wrong side of the garment zipper seam allowances. Then stitch the garment seam from the bottom to the mark where the bottom of the zipper will be…” Added Romina Abrigo

Stop and drop the feed dog on the sewing machine and stitch up and down in the same place a few stitches to sink a knot. You must never do a backstitch because it is impossible to keep it straight. You should then raise the feed dog and set the sewing machine stitch to a large baste stitch.

You should continue stitching the seam all the way to the top. Again, don't make the mistake or making a backstitch or a knot. Be sure to leave a long tail of thread so it will be easy to remove later on.

Another way of doing it is with the zipper faced down you step on the foot presser of the sewing machine and then sew the zipper take on the top on both sides of the zipper. The edge of the presser foot will be along the zipper teeth which is on the wrong side of the zipper.

The fusible thread basting will appear on the right side of the zipper tape. You take off that by putting your pants on the pressing board and then pressing both sides of the tape fusing it to the seam allowances. If you don't have fusible thread, try using double sided basting tape.

“…Your zipper should be installed once you remove the basting tape and should come off without a hitch. You should cut off the top of the zipper after your waistband is complete…”Added Romina Abrigo

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