Forex Maximizer Indicator Developed By Kevin Long For His Personal Trading FREE Giveaway

I told you about a "crazy" Forex trader who was putting out a free report about avoiding the out-and-out SCAMMERS who are just about taking over the Forex software market... Well, this "little guy" trader Kevin Long is taking it up a notch...
By: Hassam
May 9, 2010 - PRLog -- I told you about a "crazy" Forex trader who was putting out a free report about avoiding the out-and-out SCAMMERS who are just about taking over the Forex software market... Well, this "little guy" trader Kevin Long is taking it up a notch by releasing his OWN Forex robot --something he's calling Forex Maximizer – and at first I was thinking to myself... "Not again!" Not just when I was thinking this guy might be different -- the real deal.  But then I read his letter:

And I cooled off, because it was nothing like I was afraid it would be: no flashy sports cars,  no obviously fake "screen shots" of big trades... and no "tall tales" about some mythical group of programmers who came up with the best Forex robot ever. Nobody believes that stuff anymore, and they shouldn't.  That's what Forex Maximizer is NOT.

Here's what it IS: A robot EA Long freely admits he programmed himself, using his own personal trading strategies: This is going to go fast – because once people realize this is the REAL THING,  not just the usual empty-box promises from some clueless "me too" marketer... but a piece of software that really works,  put together by a real trader who knows the biz...

The smart traders are going to be all over this – and because you're loyal subscribers, I wanted to make sure you get first crack -- before it's all over Google and the competition gets fierce: There are some great bonuses he's  throwing in for the very first action-takers, and those are definitely going to be gone quickly -- in fact they might be gone already -- scroll to the bottom of the letter when you get there to make sure they're still available, and then read the rest. But don't take TOO long, or you could miss out – go there NOW:

What's the big deal about Forex Maximizer? You might be wondering: With a new "latest, greatest" FX robot coming out just about every week, what the heck is the big deal about this newest one called Forex Maximizer? (If you haven't seen it yet, check it out) Is it just a bunch of hype? That's what I thought, but the reason I'm even bothering to write you about it is that I was dead WRONG.

This is about as "hype-free" as it gets -- I mean, this guy Kevin Long doesn't have any pictures of himself next to a Ferrari or any of the usual things you'd expect... just "straight talk" about trading and how you can actually use his own personal trading software (not something he "had developed" by some script kiddie in India) to make real money just like he does.  This one really blew me away, and I recommend you see it if yourself NOW, before the media gets its claws in this guy and he wises up and starts charging what this is *really* worth:

I wouldn't miss this one if I were you! I could keep writing to you over and over again just TELLING you that Kevin Long's Forex  Maximizer robot EA is different... but to understand just why I keep harping on this, you're going to have to check it out for yourself: Bottom line "spoiler" version is, though... This robot actually works! I know everybody says that, but how many actually prove it?

And by "proof", I don't mean the fake screen-captures of imaginary bank accounts
that Kevin ridicules in his videos,  but real proof that there's an actual trader who TRADES for a living behind it.  That's rare. In fact, scratch that: It's  unique, as far as I know.  Read any of Kevin's letter, and you'll realize he knows what he's talking about and he's not just some marketer out for a quick buck – Forex isn't just some hobby to him, it's what he lives and breathes.

So if you're interested in making Forex work for you, I think it's fair to assume reading what he's got to say will be extremely valuable to you: DON'T put this off – Kevin's already signaling that he's getting kind of overwhelmed by the response to his release of this  software, and he's 99% sure he'll pull it off the market for good (or at least the foreseeable future) very soon – probably in just a day or so. And the remaining bonuses he has on hand will definitely be gone even before that!

Too late? This is urgent, so I'm going to get right to the point: If you want to get in on what Kevin Long is offering (and again,  truly a legit game-changer in my opinion)... ... You need to act NOW.  I just got confirmation he's closing  the doors today, and I wanted to make sure you got advance notice so you can take advantage of the (minutes?) you have left, depending on when you're reading this – go there NOW! Kevin's extending his guarantee to people who buy on the last day, too,  so you have a full two months to  check everything out for yourself, even after it's closed to everyone else:

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Mr. Ahmad Hassam has done Masters from Harvard University. He is interested in day trading stocks and currencies!

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