136 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. How can you set your business up for success when lending credit? What should you look out for in a potential client's finances? To safeguard your business, it's important to use strategies that minimize the risk of commercial debt.
355 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. What's the difference between commercial and consumer debt? Why is it important for businesses to collect debts quickly? Commercial debt collection is important for maintaining the financial health of your business by recovering outstanding payments from.
162 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Do you know the terms and conditions of your debtor's contract? Why is it important to be familiar with the fine print? Both creditors and debt collectors should understand the important role that terms and conditions play in a claims case.
223 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. What does a debt collector look for when they collect? What kind of proof do you need to collect a debt? A debt collector should conduct a thorough investigation into what the client (the business owed money) sold to the customer.
191 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. What's the best way to contact a debtor? How do you communicate with them effectively? If you're trying to get in contact with a debtor, you're most likely going to be calling, texting, or emailing them.
232 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. How long does it take to collect on a debt? How do agents actually go about the collection process? Our clients love and appreciate the fact that our collection process, on average, takes only 90 days to complete.
387 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Are you unsure whether to pursue a debt or walk away? At what point is a collected debt outweighed by the cost of legal action? Determining whether to pursue legal action or to cease efforts requires careful consideration.
270 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Do you know when it's time to reach out to a debt collector for help? How does the debt collection process start? For people who haven't enlisted the help of a debt collector before, beginning the process can seem intimidating.
325 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. What comes to mind when you think of a debt collector? Have you heard only bad things about people in the collection business? There may be heartless collectors out there, but on the whole, people in the collection business are nothing like the cold...
494 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Are you hesitant to hire a debt collector? What difference does a CLLA certification make? CLLA stands for the Commercial Law League of America.
397 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Are you a new business owner? Is your business prepared for potential payment disputes? For many entrepreneurs, starting a business is an exhilarating journey.
477 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Wondering if a commercial collection agency can help with legal collections? Dreading the idea of going directly to a law firm for collections help? This excerpt was prepared by Thomas W.
465 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Calling all football fans! You may be ready for the Super Bowl, but are you ready for the Super Bowl of B2B debt collection? How does commercial debt recovery compare to the Super Bowl? In the thrilling world of commercial B2B debt collection, where...
564 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Is your business ready for 2024? Having trouble collecting on debt owed from 2023? Here are five things you can do as a business owner to set yourself up for a successful fiscal year: Educate Yourself: Educate and train yourself to further your...
456 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Still waiting on payments for debts owed from earlier in 2023? Feeling anxious about getting the money you're owed before the new year? Everyone wants a clean slate at the beginning of 2024! That's why the end of the year is an important time to clean up.
336 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Are you familiar with your business's credit score? Do you know how debt can affect your business? Just like your personal credit card, your business's credit card has a credit score. This credit score is hugely important to the success of your business.
441 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Do you need help collecting what you're owed? Are you and your debtor located in different states? Ross, Stuart & Dawson is located in Michigan, but can handle collections in every state! RSD proudly serves cities like:...
165 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Traditionally, B2B debt collection has been a labor-intensive and time-consuming process, often flawed by inefficiencies and compliance challenges.
454 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Does your business need help from a debt collector? Are you worried a debt collector will be hard to work with? There are many misconceptions about debt collectors that lead people to have poor opinions of them.
348 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Are you a creditor? Have you noticed increasing late payments from your customers? Inflation and interest rates in the United States began increasing in 2021. While they're decreasing now, they're still affecting businesses.
198 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Are you a commercial business communicating with new potential customers? What qualities does a poor customer display? Surveys taken by the International Association of Commercial Collectors (IACC) and other groups identify certain characteristics of...
270 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Both small and large businesses can benefit from partnering with a collection agency.
506 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Do too many of your customers become debtors? Are you tired of late payments? Strengthening your credit risk management system can help.
237 views, By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. If your calls and letters are going unnoticed, a visit may help!