Grammy Nominated Artist (Special Request Ft. Rey T) Presents A Tribute To All Women In New Music ReleaseSpecial Request Ft. Rey T, Grammy Nominated Artist, Releases A Tribute To All The Women Of The World With Riveting Powerful Lyrics!
By: Prime USA Today Special Request Ft. Rey T has released a shoutout, tribute, homage, to all the women that are working raising and teaching their families! Special Request Ft. Rey T has released 2 songs ("A Woman Like You" & "A Woman") on a single as a prelude to the complete project dropping in a few weeks! Fans and Followers thought that the group was taking a break, but no they've been working their behinds off to bring you some great music that's on all platforms around the world including the AMI Entertainment Jukeboxes all around the world! Earlier this year Special Request Ft. Rey T released chart topping music on the Digital Radio Tracker (DRT), "Tickle Me" followed by "Moneys Got A Bad Name" and is already to (as Ray Charles would say) "Hit The Road Jack" bringing an electrified show that will have something for everyone such as: R&B, Pop, Blues and more! For the upcoming projects, Special Request Ft. Rey T has written over a 100 songs, so they're taking their time to put together nothing but the best for the world to see and also paying homage to the greatest gift of all is "A Woman". Contact Bev Mac *** Photos: End