VSA Begins Process of Achieving SOC 2 ComplianceMeeting this stringent security standard will help VSA increase its already strong commitment to protecting the data privacy of its clients. The company expects to complete the certification process next summer
By: VSA Prospecting SOC 2, which stands for Service Organization Controls 2, is a stringent security standard used throughout North America as a means to maintain best practices for a secure information system. VSA is partnering with the Texas-based consulting firm VanRein Compliance to achieve this level of security, just as the company has for numerous other compliance regulations in recent years. VSA is on track to be fully SOC 2 compliant by the summer. "It's very important for a company like VSA to pursue SOC 2 certification when you have the type of information that they're storing in their system," says VanRein Account Manager Alex Wheatley. "We live in a day and age where the threat of cyberattacks against companies or individuals has become increasingly heightened. It's important to protect yourself against any outside entities, whether that's a breach, a hack, or any intentional or unintentional incidents that can potentially disrupt the service you're providing for your clients." Ms. Wheatley compares the level of security provided by SOC 2-compliant organizations to the "Googles and Amazons of the world." "Clients doing business with VSA are going to see an increase in their data security, knowing how seriously VSA takes protecting their data," she says. "VSA is creating an infrastructure that will essentially have a brick wall around it." SOC 2 certification is a lengthy, expensive process that includes developing a remediation plan, implementing extra security parameters, training management and employees, and working with both an internal and external auditor. There are certainly steps companies can take to increase security without pursuing SOC 2 compliance, but VSA CEO Valerie Schlitt believes this is a crucial step toward solidifying VSA's commitment to data protection. "There's so much emphasis on data security these days—and rightfully so," Ms. Schlitt says. "I know our clients are looking for partners who take protecting their data very seriously. Over the years, we have had clients come to us because of our commitment to compliance, and SOC 2 moves us another huge step in that direction." Ms. Schlitt's willingness to do whatever it takes to increase security measures for VSA and its clients has not gone unnoticed by Ms. Wheatley and the rest of the VanRein team. "What I love and appreciate about VSA is that Valerie is a driven, hard-working, boots-on-the- For more information about VSA, Inc. please visit www.vsaprospecting.com End