![]() M.King Media Debuts a Thought-Provoking Story With Beautiful ImageryA story that takes a well-known piece of the Bible and views it from a one-of-a-kind perspective
"I've always wondered, what would happen if we made our own artwork that would revolve around the Last Supper, what would it look like?" said M.King. "The second thing was, trying to create a narrative that.. focus(ed) on looking at the disciples in contrast to Jesus.." Produced by M.King Media, We the 12 Disciples is executive produced by M.King who also created the original collage art. For more information go to mkingmedia.com Production: We The 12 Disciples: 28th Animated Story Description: This story will look at the 12 disciples from the standpoint of one disciple. Included commentary from M.King Time: 10 minutes Price: Free Available at: www.mkingmedia.com M.King Media social media: Facebook @mkingmedia Twitter @mkingmedia Instagram @mkingmedia Tik Tok @mkingmedia About M.King Media: M.King Media INC. is a faith-focused non-profit based in Mesa, AZ. Founded in 2013, M.King Media has created more than 234 media projects and distributed them all over the world. M.King Media's mission statement is "To Make Creative Christian Media That Point People to Jesus Christ." For more info go to mkingmedia.com End