![]() People & Stories/Gente y Cuentos Announces Board & Staff News & 50th Anniversary Fall HighlightsCo-chairs Charlotte Friedman and Andrea Honore, both of Princeton, NJ to lead "exciting era"
Board and Staff Members People & Stories / Gente y Cuentos' recently installed Board of Trustees include: Charlotte Friedman of Princeton, New Jersey, Co-Chair, Andrea Honore of Princeton, New Jersey, Co-Chair, Michael Aaron, Treasurer, Board Members at Large include: Alex Fajardo of Lawrenceville, New Jersey, Barbara Flythe of Lawrenceville, New Jersey, Bhaveen Jani, Susana Plotquin of Bordentown City, Mimi Schwartz of Princeton, New Jersey, and Keith Wheelock of Skillman, New Jersey "We are celebrating 50 years since our Founder, Sarah Hirschman, started her program in a low-income housing project in Cambridge, MA with her informal invitation to young Latina women sitting on their stoops minding their children to participate in literary dialogue," Co-Chair Andrea Honore remarked recently. "People & Stories/Gente y Cuentos was founded on the idea of generosity and inclusivity and the legacy of Sarah's initial group is what we celebrate through our upcoming events." According to Wolf, the organization's 50th anniversary milestone provides a unique opportunity for increased community engagement and relevance to a broader conversation about literature, civic duty, social justice, both past and present. "To aid in achieving these important goals, we are delighted that our staff has increased with the significant additions of Program Manager Maria Saiz and Communications Manager Debra Lampert-Rudman." MARIA SAIZ, a native of Spain and current resident of Princeton, NJ, has been teaching Spanish in the United States for over twenty years at both the secondary and college levels. María learned about Gente y Cuentos in 2018 while searching for ways to leverage her experience as an educator to facilitate learning beyond the classroom. She has since led programs in both English and Spanish with varied groups in both virtual and in-person format. Her unique insights into the program and her life-long commitment to introducing new audiences to the joy and power of literature promise a bright future for People & Stories/Gente y Cuentos' programming under her leadership. Maria can be reached at mariasaiz@peopleandstories.org DEBRA LAMPERT-RUDMAN of Pennington, NJ holds a M.Ed. in Children's Literature and Literacy from the Pennsylvania State University and graduated Summa Cum Laude from Kean University with a B.A. in English and minors in Art History and Sociology. Debra most recently served as Curator of Education & Public Programs with Morven Museum & Garden in Princeton, NJ and Community Relations Manager/Trainer with Barnes & Noble in Springfield and Princeton, NJ locations. She is a published author, award-winning artist and poet who is honored and excited to bring her extensive background in Public Relations, Marketing, and Community Relations to People & Stories/Gente y Cuentos. Debra may be reached at debra@peopleandstories.org FALL PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS & PARTNERSHIPS "During our anniversary year, it's a thrill and honor to share opportunities for the public to experience the 'magic' behind our method, through collaborations with several local community organizations. In fact, our first anniversary event at the Trenton Public Library is especially fitting since it is the oldest library in New Jersey and situated right in the middle of our longest-served community. Plus, Benjamin Franklin is said to have purchased the library's first 50 books! We're so pleased to kick off our 50th Anniversary events at this historic location," Wolf noted. Details and registration links for all events are at http://www.peopleandstories.org/
ABOUT PEOPLE & STORIES/GENTE Y CUENTOS: People & Stories/Gente y Cuentos (P&S/GyC) People and Stories/Gente y Cuentos is located at 295 Eggerts Crossing Road, Lawrenceville, NJ and is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. by appointment. Most programs are held at partner sites and other locations. For more information, call 609-882-4926 or visit www.peopleandstories.org/ Contact Debra Lampert-Rudman, Communications Manager debra@peopleandstories.org (609) 882-4926, press 1 End