June 6, 2022 -
PRLog -- I am under the command of God, I refuse to introduce new legislation that will provoke God to anger, we see the results of God's anger in today's society. While people are scrambling around trying to find solutions, yet they forget that God exists, and He still reigns over all, This is His Universe, His Creation and He will do as He seems pleased to do. We are constantly rebelling against the creator, striving after flesh, and not paying attention to the signs, instead we are working to build a new foundation on top of foundation that was already laid, pointless legislation, and Government battles fighting for things of the flesh and discontinuing the things of God, Calling it the Land of the Free, and a Land that stand on the principals of God, one of the biggest lies ever told, Literally everything is divided, everything torn to pieces, the media is full deceit, and the people are out running wild. We do know this, God exists, and it is time to return back to Him. . Look at the homeless, those in need, those who are left out, and it is just not people of color, but people of all races, backgrounds, and ethnicities, Starving with no food, single mothers left out there alone in a generation were most men are not masculine enough to accept responsibility, and we have a Government out tormenting the minds of young people with these Gender Acts, Bills, and Policies. Confusion at its best, this is not what God intended, The fury of God is upon us now, and I took this time to rescue those who want to be rescued from the days ahead, this is not the time to play the harlot with God, all of your careless desires and goals are useless to God when they do not serve His purposes and Will. Here is the real story behind this, I do not cherish the world the way that most do, I am not your average Joe, I need nothing but what God has already given me, I have walked this walk alone, yes, everyone left my side, and left me to this mission on my own, but I knew this before it happened, I was already made aware of that, and I knew I would lose my assets, my lifestyle, and my privacy, which most around me felt was very naive and inconsiderate to do. For full speech Visit: