Truth Brings Freedom; Lies Bring Bondage; Best-Selling Book Sorts Fact From Fiction: MDSummary: When asked about the end of the world, Christ said to understand the book of Daniel. Daniel opted out of government healthcare in his first chapter. The government has been pushing Fauci's agenda but witnesses say Fauci is lying. Let's hear the witnesses.
By: Total Health Dr. Bryan Ardis shows NIH report--Remdesivir recommended by Fauci for covid, but it failed drug trials in African trials with 54% deaths, removed from study half-done in six months; NIH then found 6-9 times more likely to die of renal failure, unheard of from virus infections alone, but recommended by Fauci (to push CDC and pharma shot?) Dr. Ryan Cole, board-certified pathologist, said endometrial cancer is increased 20-fold after the shot. He also reported blood clots after the shot and overseas MDs reported this last spring (Wall Street Journal) but US mainstream news said nothing until September—too busy promoting the shot? The FDA published a list of serious adverse events associated with the "vaccines" in October, 2020-- Dr. Charles Hoffe found 62% percent of patients who received COVID mRNA jab test positive for blood clots...'The those people will probably all develop right-sided heart failure within three years and die because they now have increased vascular resistance through their lungs. A healthcare worker reported 32 people dying after the shot; it didn't make mainstream news—it doesn't fit their script for big pharma ad$. This release began with Daniel from Jerusalem opting out of government healthcare. If people in Israel had done so, they might not be sick. 85-95% of patients filling Israel's Intensive Care were fully vaccinated. Daniel chose a plant-based diet that give 73% less severity to 568 healthcare workers who got covid, reported in British Med Journal, Cleveland Clinic Cardiologist, Dr. Esselstyn, says a plant-based diet can help reverse most diseases; that is something drugs can't do. Readers may like his explanation, an 8-min vid and can get the dvd and book for a modest donation at Contact Dr. Richard Ruhlng, Total Health Speaker 928 583 7543 Photo: End