CSO Aid Observatorio Workshop aims to strengthen people's research on development projects
Global civil society platform CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness, through its Asia secretariat Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific, successfully held its CSO Aid Observatorio Workshops among civil society organisations from around the world.
NEW YORK - Aug. 2, 2021 - PRLog -- The CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) Asia secretariat The Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific (RoA-AP) has successfully organised CPDE CSO Aid Observatorio Workshops (https://realityofaid.org/cso-aid-observatorio-handbook-workshop/) held May 25, 27, and June 1, 2021. Over the course of three days, civil society organisations (CSOs) from Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa , Eastern Europe, Africa, and Asia took part in the capacity development initiative aimed at advancing people's research to strengthen civil society.
The handbook can be downloaded here (https://realityofaid.org/cso-aid-observatorio/the-handbook/) in English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Bahasa, and Nepali.
The Aid Observatorio (https://realityofaid.org/cso-aid-observatorio/) is a CSO-initiated and maintained database of development projects funded through the Official Development Assistance (ODA) or international financial institutions (IFIs). It offers on-ground narratives and evidence-based analysis of development projects in fragile nations and developing countries.
The workshop aimed to create a space as interactive as possible, providing opportunities for rich discussions and sharing of best practices between CSOs for setting up research-related projects. Activities were conducted in smaller groups and consisted of applying the harnessed research, monitoring, and analysis skills to existing or potential development projects.
With the high level of engagement from the organisations and the enthusiastic feedback received from participants, CPDE intends to conduct more of these capacity development activities.
At the end of the Workshop, it is hoped that the participants are able to:
Reflect the transformations in the aid architecture and development cooperation;
Situate development cooperation concepts and examples in the current context;
Discuss new challenges and emerging trends in development cooperation policies and practices;
Encourage CSOs to practice re-imagined ways of aid monitoring and policy engagement;
Harness CSOs' capacities to develop national-level CSO Aid Observatorio Platform; and
Adapt or modify the global workshop program to conduct national-level CSO Aid Observatorio Workshop.
With the ultimate goal of upholding Effective Development Cooperation (EDC) principles, the CSO Aid Observatorio Platform is an excellent opportunity to strengthen the role of CSOs by equipping them with the research and analytical capacities to hold governments, donor institutions and other stakeholders accountable in development decision-making processes.
To learn more about the platform, visit: https://realityofaid.org/cso-aid-observatorio/.#