Space Jump for Black Lives Matter and Political Sanity in the 21st CenturyWhy are our Political IQ's so low? Why can't we convince our politicians from both parties to adopt an agenda of solving our global crises and national challenges?
By: Human Spirit I'm Kevin Marley and have worked in the following fields: software, aerospace, social administration, and education. I have also written ten books dealing with the various crises of the 21st century and how they and our national crises should ideally be our political agenda. However, both Republicans and Democrats resist this common sense measure, and even more importantly ignore how we can with various revolutions in computing, quantum computing, biotechnology, nanotechnology, the Internet, and military and space technologies 'Split the Atom of Human Potential.' This is what we as a nation and as a world should be focused on, creating an egalitarian world in which people can live 200-150 years and can engage in Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and other burgeoning sciences so as to live with both a HIGH IQ and possess a healthy neural network signature. At the same time, just think, if we had spent the $3-$4 trillion we have spent on war during the past two decades and instead invested these monies into our own people! Our nation would be much more inclusionary, and even moving towards a utopian state instead of being in the morass that it is in. The politicians of today aren't doing it. The 21st century is here, and in order to call attention to this particular idea, I am more than willing, so to speak, to go first, and make a space jump so that if we view Life itself form a higher altitude, we can see that all of humanity is one, and that we can orient ourselves more towards peace and a viable plan rather than endless war. Essentially, in the 21st century, a nation or an individual can lead without any 'conventional sort of power'; they can lead with The Power of Ideas and The Common Sense of New Plans that are both doable and measurable. All monies will go to Black Lives Matter and to create a world-wide clearing house of ideas and plans for the 21st century that are functional, sustainable, and adaptable that people and various governments can draw upon. We will also write a collective novel called Peace with a myriad number of voices focused on humanity having a successful 21st century. Money is Like Manure--It's Best When Spread About! Funding is about making a difference in this world. Obviously, I'm looking to go up into the stratosphere in a helium balloon and to jump. The bare estimates for this would be $100,000. If you fund this project for $50 you will get a free copy of one of my 10 books and Black Lives Matter T-shirt. If you fund a $100 you will get three copies of one of my 10 books and a Black Lives Matter Sweatshirt; and additionally, if you fund for $250 five copies of my 10 books and pictures from space. Lastly, if you donate $100,000, you can Space Jump with us provided that you pass the physical and do the required preparation! Please go to: Also, remember: The Higher We Fly, The Easier It Will Be! Media Contact Kevin Michael Marley *** 2064625313 Photos: End