Panic and Fear Become New Normal with COVID-19 and Current Violence in AmericaFormer Female TV Editor/Producer Suffered for 30-Years and Creates Remedy to Stop the Panic
By: Panic Aide Anxiety Aide Solutions is a passion project for Cheryl, a mother who watched her oldest son at age 13 inherit the panic disorder. When she remarried, her step-daughter was experiencing anxiety problems at school. She knew she had to do something to stop them from having to live decades taking prescription medication to combat these issues. All of our products are made with all natural, plant powered ingredients, each having properties for a specific purpose, combined into a quick drink to help you get to a place of peace. Some of the Ingredients include: Magnesium, L-Theanine, Valerian Root, G.A.B.A., two types of Chamomile, Ashwagandha, 5-HTP and Phyto Complex. The core products of Anxiety Aide Solutions: • Panic Aide - to help stop panic attacks once they start. • PM by Panic Aide – stops those racing thoughts so you can sleep peacefully. • Anxiety Aide – when anxiety is high it will let you relax. "Family and friends try to understand and help but when you are in that moment, you can't see past the next breath because it's hard to think of anything but getting through it," shares Cheryl Poldrugach, founder of Panic Aide. "After much prayer and research, Panic Aide was born to stop the crippling snapshots in life of embarrassment, fear and total helplessness to stop it." "Over the past five years, anxiety has become the primary difficulty for which people have called seeking treatment. This has significantly increased since the onset of the coronavirus crisis early this Spring. People report feeling a lack of influence over their life, including both financial security and relationship quality," said Dr. Jason Mishalanie, PhD, BCN, Psychologist. About Anxiety Aide Solutions: The original Panic Aide, Anxiety Aide and PM are all 2oz quick drinks with a mild flavor of mango and peach, making it easy to drink so you can get to a place of peace, quickly. There is no prescription necessary and all products are USA made and Triple Lab Tested for quality and purity. Drink, Breathe, Relax and get your panic under control. Anxiety Aide Solutions dedicates 10% of net proceeds to donate to charities working with mental health and suicide prevention. For more information visit * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. * This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Contact CR Creative Group *** Photos: End