Chicagoland Consultant Collaborates To Help Others Remain Focus During COVID19 QuarantineThe workforce is decreasing drastically due to revenue sources drying up with the COVID-19 outbreak. Other companies have sent employees home to work. Many of us have never learned to be productive from home. Now your job depends on it. How do you remain productive during the pandemic quarantine and all the distractions that it brings?
By: Butch Zemar Amy M. Gardner from Apochromatik shares with Chicagoland Chats some strategies and a little hope to maintain productivity while working at home. "Employing a strategy during this lockdown can only help," says, Amy Gardner, Principal Consultant at Apochromatik. COVID-19 has made everyone nervous. Grocery stores have a hard time keeping their shelves filled with everyday items. When working from home, do not be so hard on yourself to have everything done. "Virtually meet with your team and see what is best for everyone," Amy shares. We are all facing different demands at home with kids and spouses. Working out time schedules with other people will lead to more productivity and accomplishing goals. The biggest thing about being productive is having clear goals and objectives. Whether in your firm, business, or life, distractions can overwhelm and challenge your ability to focus and achieve your goals. These challenges and distractions create static. Static reduces your focus. Apochromatik helps attorneys, executives, and other professionals determine where they want their careers and lives to go. Utilizing confidential, one-on-one coaching and other tools, we then support our clients in achieving their short- and long-term goals to develop the careers and lives they want. For more information, please visit Chicagoland Chats is a live question and answer session that provides value and resources to the community at large. Chicagoland Chats runs daily, starting between 11:30 am and 1:00 pm, on Facebook Live. Prior editions can be found on Youtube by searching for Chicagoland Chats. You can also find prior Chicagoland Chats by searching for Elite Benefits of America and Sidebar Insurance Solutions on Facebook. ——— Elite Benefits of America is a worksite benefits consulting firm that partners with small to mid-sized enterprises to be the employer of choice. 708-535-3006 Sidebar Insurance Solutions is an independent insurance agency specializing in home, auto and business insurance solutions. Sidebar Insurance is the industry leader in providing the very best value for a business and individual's insurance dollar. 708-942-5150 End
Page Updated Last on: May 04, 2020