Author Offers Dentists His Book For FREE In Hopes They Can Rebound From The COVID-19 Shutdown Even Stronger Than They Were Before The PandemicDental Marketing: Find Your Voice by Michael Fleming is Now Available For FREE
By: Michael Fleming As of this release, dental professionals are only allowed to offer Emergency related dental services in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19, as well as conserve Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and since the portion of Emergency dentistry is very small compared to other procedures regularly preformed at a dental practice, Dentists have a lot of extra time on their hands in between these emergency cases. It is the Authors hope that he can offer this book to these Dental professionals for FREE so that they can take advantage of a portion of this free time to re-invent their practice during this time of uncertainty. "This is a great time to re-evaluate what you've been doing in your practice so you can see what opportunities exist for you in the future," says Michael Fleming. It is Michael's belief that although no-one was prepared for the financial impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is possible to be prepared for that day when practicing all facets of dentistry is once again legal. "And when that day comes," says Michael, "…it will NOT be business as usual!" Michael believes that the practices that revisit such areas of their business as their Core Values and their Mission Statement, will be well positioned to take advantage of their return to work. "The first third of my book touches your Core Values, Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and Long-Term Goals, and it is these pieces of the puzzle that will reconnect you with your purpose…which is serving your patients and your community." Michael Fleming, President and CEO at Innovate Dental Marketing, first released Dental Marketing: Find Your Voice in June, 2019 in an effort to share his 13 years of tribal knowledge with Dentists and Dental Marketing Professionals so that they can learn best practices from across the country, and apply those learnings to their own business. The author has broken his book into three unique sections; 1) Find Your Voice; Develop your identity and your brand story, 2) Use Your Voice; Select the best media to share this story, and 3) Listen to the Crowd; How to measure ROI from your advertising Michael shares that "I am excited to offer my book to Dentists for FREE right now, as I really feel that they have been treated unfairly during this COVID-19 Pandemic," and says, "I hope that they can re-invest some of their free time into re-crafting who they are, so that they can one day live in even more abundance than they had before this horrible pandemic." Product Availability Download Your FREE Digital Copy of Dental Marketing: Find Your Voice at: Dental Marketing: Find Your Voice is also available at,,, as well as the author's website at Contact Michael Fleming *** Photos: End