Author and Sex Therapist Dr. Donna Oriowo Launches Cocoa Butter & Hair Grease Website to Help Encourage Self-Love as it Relates to Skin and HairThe actual workbook was released last year and Donna has been making her rounds hosting author talks spreading awareness of the Cocoa Butter & Hair Grease movement. What is the full synopsis of Cocoa Butter & Hair Grease? It's aimed at people who have ever felt "some type of way" about their hair texture or skin tone. This workbook has created a space for women to share stories, to discover themselves and to work out any underlying issues they never knew existed until they dove into Cocoa Butter & Hair Grease. The website is a home for those ready to have conversations about how colorism and texturism impact mental and sexual health. It is a space of family and learning and growth. This will also be a space where Contributors will share content and speak truth pertaining to the skin tone and hair talk that exist very loudly in this day and age. "I am Extraordinarily excited and nervous about the launch of this website. While the book may have come out last year, this website and the work put into it has been many YEARS in the making. "I am appreciative of the space to step into my true passion, talking about colorism and texturism, and that it doesn't have to be a 'side project' but something which is part of my main work. I get to help Black women. I get to help people see the connection of colorism/texturism with mental and sexual health. That's the work I get to do. And you know what they say, when you love what you do, you won't work a day in your life. I am ready," states Dr. Oriowo If you're interested in gaining more information about Cocoa Butter & Hair Grease, please visit and follow @cocoabutter_ End