#HackAutism 2019 Powered by MicrosoftDALLAS - Sept. 25, 2019 - PRLog -- #HackAutism is being held at Microsoft on Saturday October 19 from 8 am to 5 pm for students from grades 3rd to 12th.
STEAM National Achievement Collaborative (S.N.A.C) Educational Services is a Dallas-Fort Worth (TX) - based non-profit whose mission is to bridge the academic and career achievement gap in science, technology, engineering, art and math among children, youth, and adults; girls and women; minorities, veterans, disabled persons, and persons on the Autism Spectrum across all socio-economic backgrounds. Our signature program, STEAM Achievers, is focussed on bridging the STEAM education, academic, and career achievement gap for students from diverse backgrounds by inviting them to:
At the very heart of STEAM Achievers' mission is our core program, the Bi-Annual #HackAutism Purpose Hackathon. Held twice a year, these events integrate scholars on the Autism Spectrum by bringing together neurotypical and neurodiverse scholars, 3rd-12th grade, from different ISDs, charter schools, and private schools. Following interactive learning sessions, scholars team up to give back by designing video games for children with Autism. Our program also includes panel discussions and a speaker series for parents, caregivers, and educators in attendance. Recipients of winning video games are UNT Kristin Farmer Autism Center, and National Autism Association of North Texas. Our Spring #HackAutism is held in late April, Autism Awareness Month; and in our Fall #HackAutism is held late in October, National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Sponsorships are offered to scholars from Title 1 schools who are interested in participating. Our goal for our Fall #HackAutism this year is to attract and reach more scholars on the autism spectrum, more girls, minorities, and underserved schools and communities. We are very well aware that for most, opportunities such as these are often out of reach. We are fortunate to have had partners and volunteers who have worked very hard to ensure this experience is impactful and meaningful to all who attend; and we are working diligently to grow this partnership base to enable us to serve more scholars who would undoubtedly benefit from the event. Again, we are so glad to connect with you, and look forward to engaging further! Cost is $25 per scholar and light breakfast and lunch are provided. https://steamachievers.org/ End
Page Updated Last on: Sep 25, 2019