Act Like You Matter Announces "You Matter" T-Shirt Fundraiser: Now Through 9/30/19501(c)(3) nonprofit spreads the message that You Matter and aims to raise funds to create a video version of their most popular program: Baffle Away Bullying! Interactive Assembly for K-3rd.
100% of the proceeds will benefit the nonprofit and its youth anti-bullying acting troupe Theatre of Peace and will help the organization produce a video version of Baffle Away Bullying! Interactive Assembly for K-3rd, so that children across the country and around the world can benefit from this empowering, student-led program. "Last school year, our programs were so in demand that we reached capacity," said Amy Jones Anichini, Founder and President of Act Like You Matter. "We weren't able to work with any more schools because we were too busy. Now, being in demand is wonderful, but not being able to work with additional students who could have benefitted from our programs is a problem. So, we needed to come up with a solution for how we could scale ourselves to be able to deliver our programs to more students." Anichini decided that creating a video and online downloadable version of Baffle Away Bullying! was the solution. The next step was figuring out how to pay for a videographer and film editor. She and Theatre of Peace ("TOP") troupe members rallied around the idea of a t-shirt fundraiser. TOP students submitted artwork, and they voted to decide what would be on the shirts. The winning design was created by TOP actor Makena Summers, a high school sophomore. "It feels so great seeing something that I created be a part of a movement that's so life-impacting," "TOP could not have chosen a better message to place on these shirts," Anichini said. "Conveying to children, tweens, and teens that they matter is at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to make sure that each individual knows their value, believes in themselves, and refuses to allow the criticism or cruelty of others to change them. It's a universal message: You Matter. With these shirts, we're giving people of all ages the opportunity to spread this empowering message." Buy your You Matter shirt today at: Contact Amy Jones Anichini, Founder, Act Like You Matter Executive Director & Author, Theatre of Peace *** 7602084505 Photo: End
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