How Acupuncture and Herbs can help you Prevent AF, High Cholesterol and other Heart Problems

NEEDHAM, Mass. - Sept. 14, 2018 - PRLog -- Dr. Li Zheng, a Chinese acupuncturist and herbalist based in Massachusetts and Florida, just interviewed Dr. Guo, Weiqin on 8/31/2018 in Beijing. Dr. Guo is a famous Chinese cardiologist and the former president of the Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Li Zheng has treated many patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), premature ventricular contraction (PVC), high cholesterol, and post-surgery inflammation. Many factors can lead to AF, PVC and stroke. Among them, imbalanced nervous system and inflammation are main factors in the development of cardiovascular diseases. Dr. Li Zheng has been using acupuncture to help patient with atrial fibrillation and premature ventricular contraction to restore the regular heart beats.

Dr. Guo has been treating cardiovascular diseases with both western medicine and Chinese herbs for more than 50 years, and has won many awards. Statin is a very popular drug and has been extensively used to lower blood cholesterol and to prevent cardiovascular diseases. A common side effect that many Statin users have experienced is muscle and joint pain. According to Dr. Guo's clinical experience and new research data, Statin can cause the break-down of muscle and nerve membrane. Dr. Guo and her team did extensive clinical research on how to use Chinese herbs to help regenerate the cells in the lining of blood vessels and prevent the occurrence of blood clots after open heart surgery. Inflammation is a main issue after the surgery. After a new valve is put in the heart, patients can take Chinese herbs to help them clear up the inflammatory chemicals and improve the circulation to the heart, which help them recover much faster with stronger heart function. If you would like to know more about the side effects of Statin, please visit

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