![]() Pet Professional Guild announces junior membership and accreditation programNew levels aim to ensure next generation of pet professionals is educated in force-free, ethical, scientifically sound training methods
By: Pet Professional Guild The new PPG junior memberships have been divided into three categories: Category One - Provisional Junior Basic (age group 8-12 years); Category Two - Provisional Junior Advanced (age group 13-17 years); and Category Three - Provisional Apprentice (age group 18-20 years). Benefits of junior membership include individual member certificates and badges, access to the junior member area of the PPG and PPG British Isles (PPGBI) websites, member discussion board, a listing in the Junior Membership Directory, a free e-book A Kid's Comprehensive Guide to Speaking Dog by PPG founder and president, Niki Tudge, participation in the Annual Training Deed Challenge, free registration to participate in PPG's Pet Dog Ambassador program, free credentialing via the Pet Professional Accreditation Board, and a junior membership study guide. In addition, all junior members are required to sign a pledge stating that the animal's welfare is their priority, that they will protect the physical, emotional and environmental wellbeing of the animal, and must only use tools and equipment in a manner that reflects PPG's Guiding Principles. These state that pain, force, and fear will never be used in the training, care or management of any animal. The annual membership fee for junior members is just $20. As a special introductory offer, PPG is offering free first year junior memberships for the first 20 applicants on both its North America/international and British Isles websites via discount codes X3QPTC6L and 0D6W5OXO respectively. "We are very aware that the next generation of pet professionals is at a point in their lives where we can help educate them to understand and apply results-based, science-based, force-free training and pet care," said PPG founder and president, Niki Tudge. "This will help consolidate the giant steps forward the force-free training movement has made and continues to make, based on the growing body of scientific study and research that supports the use of to a constructional approach where operant behaviors are built and problematic emotional reactions are changed via positive reinforcement and counterconditioning protocols, as opposed to outdated, aversive methods that rely on fear, pain and intimidation to stop behavior and have no place in the 21st century." # # # About the Pet Professional Guild The Pet Professional Guild (www.petprofessionalguild.com) About Pet Dog Ambassador Pet Dog Ambassador (https://petdogambassador.com) is a five-step credentialing program for dog guardians to test their knowledge, skills and ability to manage their canine companion in real life settings. About the Pet Professional Accreditation Board The Pet Professional Accreditation Board (https://www.credentialingboard.com) offers the only professional canine training and behavior certifications for professionals who believe there is no place for shock, choke, prong, fear or intimidation in canine training and behavior practices. It also offers the only psychometrically developed examination for training and behavior consultants who also support these humane and scientific practices. Resources Pet Dog Ambassador: https://petdogambassador.com Pet Professional Accreditation Board: https://www.credentialingboard.com Pet Professional Guild Guiding Principles: https://petprofessionalguild.com/ Pet Professional Guild Junior Members (British Isles): https://ppgbi.com/ Pet Professional Guild Junior Members (North America): https://petprofessionalguild.com/ Media Contact Niki Tudge ***@petprofessionalguild.com 8506251097 Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End