#EndtheStigma and increase #MentaHealthAwareness

Here are five practical ways that you can improve your own wellbeing, and look out for the mental health of others too... advice from Marc Dressen
Mental Health England
Mental Health England
LONDON, BIOT - May 18, 2017 - PRLog -- With many people assigning stigma to the word 'mental', and even using names of conditions in a derogatory way; it is no wonder we don't know how to approach someone with symptoms of mental ill health. Or that we worry about how to tell someone how we may be feeling... but, this is becoming more and more recognised now, with the World Health Organization reporting a few months ago that... 'Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease.'

Mental health affects overall health, and this is a very good reason for addressing conditions, (depression being just one of them), and dealing with the mental ill health and not just the physical symptoms, which are often more obvious.

The subject of mental health is becoming more talked about, especially during times such as Mental Health Awareness Week, and following the young Royals' #headstogether campaign, opening up about their feelings and sharing a simple message that comes from the heart, earlier this year.

Here are five ways to help you manage Mental Health issues:

1) If somebody you know is acting out of character and you are concerned, simply ask if they are okay. Remember to be sincere and look them warmly in the eyes.

2) Keep on top of your own mental wellbeing, by avoiding stressful situations and creating a healthy work-life balance, because everyone has mental health, so we are all vulnerable to mental ill health.

3) Sports Scientist and Personal Trainer, Marc Dressen says, 'It is scientifically proven that even just a small amount of regular aerobic exercise can counteract depression, which occurs alongside many of the mental health conditions... this is for various reasons, but one is because of the release of feel-good hormones in the brain.' Check out this free HIIT library for exercises that suit you physically and that will make you feel great mentally too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtMeUEnFiaI&list=PLjvOOYEQXQ83yk48BZZp4AptvfPcbelt4

4) As well as exercise playing a significant role in mental health, so does nutrition, Marc says '...any foods that don't need a label are good for you, for example fresh fruit is a good start to the morning, instead of sugary cereals. Junk food will not satisfy you in the long run, and can bring the mood down, so avoid this as much as possible.' http://www.marcdressen.com

5) Do a Mental Health First Aid course, through http://www.MHFAEngland.org, and learn more about how you can assist others, gain more awareness and end the stigma of mental health conditions.

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