RoofCoachPRO LLC Becomes ContractorCoachPRO LLC

An Industry Demands Them To Do So. Manufacturers, Suppliers and Contractors from trades other than roofing want the training provided by RoofCoachPRO LLC to be available for all contractors.
CONROE, Texas - May 14, 2017 - PRLog -- RoofCoachPro ( announced today that they are changing their name to ContractorCoachPro ( to better serve the Contracting community as a whole. The name change reflects the increase in demand for their services and experience from contractors outside of the roofing industry.

"We started RoofCoachPro to fill a need in the roofing industry to develop passionate, bootstrapping entrepreneurs into mature business owners who knew how to grow and maintain a solid, long-term contracting business," says Jim Johnson, head coach and founder of RoofCoachPro. "As our reputation and training resources have grown, we have seen contractors from outside of the roofing profession join our site and learn how to grow their own businesses. We are excited to open our brand up to more types of contractors as we continue our mission of coaching contractors to win as ContractorCoachPRO."

About ContractorCoachPro

Founded in 2014, but built on over 20 years of experience in the contracting industry, ContractorCoachPro provides an online environment for contractors to network, share tips/tricks with their colleagues, and hone their skills as professionals. Their website offers hundreds of hours of video content and dozens of blog posts and tools that are updated regularly. With topics ranging from lead generation and professional sales presentations to best practices and leadership training, ContractorCoachPRO offers contractors training to get better every day. They also offer live weekly webinars, or "huddles," where their customers can learn new skills or hear from, and interact with, other industry leaders on a variety of topics so they can stay sharp. Using a secret combination of internet voodoo, fairy dust, and serious finger crossing, the 800+ members currently using will be transitioned over to the new site overnight on May 14th, without losing access to the site.

In addition, ContractorCoachPRO will also open up their content creation tools to quality coaches outside of their organization, enabling them to create their own courses and distribute them via the website and support team. ContractorCoachPRO's goal is to provide 1000's of hours of online resources to all contractors to improve and grow their business when they want it and available 24/7/365.

About Jim Johnson

As the Director of Sales for AccuLynx ( for 4+ years, Jim Johnson saw a need across the country for on-demand, affordable, business and sales training for small to medium-sized roofing contractors. With 20 years of experience, in sales & management (American Building Contractors), ownership (Catastrophe Restoration Services Inc.), and software development (SilverLining which was sold to AccuLynx), Jim felt it was time to give back to the industry. Jim has helped each company he has personally coached grow at rates of 100% to 1000% annually by installing systems and procedures that streamline businesses for growth. With a background that combines business ownership and finding software solutions for contractors at AccuLynx, Jim is able to draw on a vast amount of experience to customize his coaching for each client. In the last 4+ years Jim has coached 130+ contractors further increasing his knowledge and experience as a coach.

After two years of coaching with RoofCoachPRO he was able to identify a need for quality training available on-demand. This need was filled by his team of trained digital ninjas by creating the website and now the website. ContractorCoachPRO will continue to provide training and coaching content but to a broader customer base with their own coaching gurus, helping 100's of coaches create 1000's of topics to improve contractors' businesses every day!

ContractorCoachPRO LLC - Jim Johnson

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