Far East First Aid specialists seek to sell off lucrative side of businessAdfar the medical device specialists headquartered in Singapore responsible for developing a series of revolutionary wound care, OTC and cosmetic products are seeking entrepreneurs to take on an established turnkey side of their first Aid Business.
Adfar are essentially an R&D company valued at around 200 Million USD who are pioneers in first Aid innovation and would like more time to dedicate to creating new products, their first aid products they brought to market that are based around treating burns are revolutionary and sought after, and after they set up a distribution centre from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia orders followed quickly. We asked one of their partners how they got started and they told us; "The First Aid Kit Business begun as a good way to promote our medical products and establish our brand in Singapore. We won significant contracts with Shell, Red Cross and Caltex as well as several popular retail outlets and pharmacies. Their profits on the first aid kits is exceptional: 1) Cost of goods delivered: 9SGD 2) Assembly: 2SGD 3) Sales Price: 29.99 SGD 4) Distributor 3.50 SGD 5) Profit =15.50. SGD Retail Model 6) Cost of goods delivered: 9SGD 7) Assembly: 2SGD 8) Retail Sales Price: 39.99 SGD 9) Retail Cut 45% 18.18 SGD 10) Distributor 2.50 SGD 11) Profit = 8.50 SGD" We also asked adfar: What is the Target market and what type of people they think would keep this business profitable? "Everyone, every restaurant, every office, every car etc. should have a First Aid Kit so we are not limiting this business to people with Medical or Pharmaceutical experience, it really is more of a packing the kits and making sure the current buyers are receiving pre-ordered products as and when kind of business, so professional logistic or manufacturing could take this on with ease." The parent company http://biz-findsingapore.com/ The business has a distribution facility based In Kuala Lumpur and it's ready to walk into. If a party is not found to continue serving the current clients, the parent company will consider selling the products and kit bags boxes as a job lot, and some medical company will walk away with a steal as this is a genuine reason for sale. The partners at the parent company are not logistics people, and they just want to design and continue to create ground breaking designs in the medical field and leave the movement of goods to someone else, but to be fair they have done a great job already! Opportunities are all around us we are told and if you can concentrate on what makes you happy you will never have a job. Applications for more information can be submitted by clicking here http://biz-findthailand.com/ End