OK Hillary...Now You Have Really Pissed Me Off!

Rob McConnell, host of The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show and the Publisher of The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper fires back at Hillary Clinton for her statement about Nurses in his current Op-Ed.
HAMILTON, Ontario - Sept. 29, 2016 - PRLog -- When Hillary Clinton said, "Nurses Are Overpaid Maids, Glorified Babysitters," it just showed how stupid and ignorant she really is.

Hillary, your statement about Nurses shows just how ignorant you really are and in my opinion, is yet another reason why you should never be President of the United States.

Here is a thought, have a nurse run for the office of President. But oh wait! They are too busy helping people and saving lives!

Being married to a nurse, (and very proud of it) and seeing the work nurses do, how they love their jobs, their pride, their dedication and their professionalism mixed with love and compassion for their fellow humans, I know first hand, that the world needs more people with the qualities that nurses possess and fewer politicians, especially Hillary Clinton.

Nurses are true champions and super humanitarians filled with love and understanding and it pisses me off when politicians like you, Hillary Clinton, shoot off your mouth to get a 30 second media soundbite at the expense of one of the most compassionate, trusted and educated professions today just to try and further your own political aspirations.

So Hillary, your uneducated and unwarranted quote about nurses shows how shallow you really are.

Here are 10 things that you, Hillary, should know about Nurses and in my opinion, you should retract your statement and apologize to Nurses, but we know that will not happen because you have not apologized for the events in Benghazi that happened during your watch as Secretary of State.

1. Nurses are super smart: Becoming a nurse isn't a simple task. Nurses are required to have a college or university degree, and many continue on to specialties or even receiving their masters. Most nurses continue expanding the knowledge base in their field by attending workshops, seminars and courses.

2. Nurses save lives: Hospitals would not function without nurses. They are the first point of contact when encountering a patient, and provide the initial analysis of a patient's condition. Doctors rely heavily on nurses for crucial information about each patient, and their experience and medical knowledge provides the basis of diagnoses and subsequent treatments.

3. Nurse have amazing people skills: Nurses do their best to treat all patients and their families with respect, absorbing their worries and fears, and even using humor as a way to offset any angst.

4. Nurses have no problem getting their hands dirty: Let's face it, patients can be messy. Nurses take on the giving role of helping them every step of the way - whether it's diaper changes for elderly patients or giving someone a bath.

5. Nurses make people feel safe: When entering a hospital or medical facility, the first person you encounter will be a nurse. Whether you're being admitted or preparing to see a doctor, nurses are the initial point of contact and are there to answer questions and assuage fears.

6. Nurses have boundless energy: If you think 9 to 5 can be tiring, try being a nurse. Many nurses work 10 – 12 hour shifts (!) with minimal breaks in between. Even after all those hours, nurses conduct themselves in a professional and caring manner helping patients heal faster.

7. Nurses are calm under pressure: Trained in how to act in the case of an emergency or worse-case scenario, nurses are cool as cucumbers when it comes to pressure.

8. Nurses are team players: With ever-changing shifts that include new doctors and personnel, nurses are experts at working as part of a team. When emergency situations arise, nurses band together to help those in need and ensure that patients receive the best possible care.

9. Nurses are highly organized: With tons of patients coming in through a hospital or medical facility's doors, nurses are responsible not only for caring for the patients but making sure that all their paperwork is in order. Nurses have to keep track of a large number of individuals, ensuring that they receive the proper care at the appropriate time - like when to take medicine or have their blood tested.

10. Nurses are versatile: Each day brings new set of personalities and ailments, all of which nurses deal with grace and aplomb. They need to switch gears constantly from working directly with patients to doctors and doing office work.

To all the Nurses out there, thank you one and all for the wonderful work you do and thank you for being there in our times of need.

For The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show and The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper, I am Rob McConnell - www.xzoneradiotv.com.

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Rob McConnell

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