Biz-find starts Sales Leads Revolution

If Biz-find ring you up with a Sales Leads for you don't be like this guy......
PAKSE, Laos - Aug. 17, 2016 - PRLog -- Once in a while something very new comes along and it is difficult for many to get their heads around, for the enterprising business with the idea, this is good news and a challenge at the same time

The good news is; if people are initially confused, that means there will be hardly any competition. The challenge is; educating a market place which has less concentration time than they used to have. We are told that people can concentrate for around 8 seconds which is less than a goldfish, is it any wonder real pioneers want to go fishing instead of talking to the minnows.

We spoke to Alan Johnston the owner of Biz-find on some of the frustrations marketing their revolutionary sales lead idea brings:

"I remember in the scene in the Jobs movie where Steve Jobs was trying to tell people early 1980's what a personal computer would mean to them, and people kept hanging up on him on the phone time and again.  I can really relate to that scene, I stand up in my chair when I watch the movie and I am yelling 'Yeah you tell them Steve, 'told you so' just aint going to cut it!!'

I just know how Jobs felt, I have a system which is even better than Ali Baba for finding sales leads, in fact we have real buyers who want products and services now, yet some struggle with the premise of what a sales lead actually could mean to them.

After 30 years in Sales and Marketing we know what a lead is, a lead should be redefined in the dictionaries of the world as:

'Someone who is in your geographical area you operate in, wants to buy what you sell, is the decision maker, has the money, and wants to buy right now'

Nothing less than this should ever be called a sales lead.

Biz-find has sales leads; we get our sales leads of our members of our directories who are happy to talk to us after all the free marketing we have done for them on our sites and social media. We simply just ask them:

What are you buying for your business today? Are you the decision maker? We know what area they are in, and we make sure that if buyers call them, they would buy now if they like what they see.

We sometimes get frustrated when we have a potential game changing lead worth a lot of money to a business, and we contact a business to tell them we have sales lead for them, and they are slow to react, I can think of only 1 or 2 actions worse than tardiness in contacting a customer that could mean death to your business!

One such client we spoke to recently was so backward in their approach to potential new customers, we wondered how they stay in business at all, and the conversation went something like this:

"Hi we have a customer, a member of Biz-find who told us they need a lot of Gym equipment for their new hotels."

They said "OK who" (Good start at least that was the right question hungry companies should ask!)

I said: "We are Biz-find Business directory and sales leads for South East Asia, you can see the lead information by visiting this page" I then gave them the link:

I then added: "We can actually give you the first lead free, if you tell us three things your business is buying from suppliers today, it can be anything you buy; like stationery, drinks, nutrition supplies, parts for machinery, company cars, insurance, anything at all to keep your business going."

It simply means three leads for one, and we get more leads back for losing one.

They replied: 'I am sorry I do not understand" OK Fair enough I thought, maybe English is not their first language, so I began to explain a but deeper for him:

"We have a member who has asked us to find a gym equipment supplier, that is what you do correct?...OK Great, their Hotel is not far from you, and we have the decision makers name and number for you to call and make an appointment, all we ask in return for our the first lead information is; for you to tell us three products or services that you buy every day to keep YOUR business running. We then sell that information as sales leads, this is our monetisation of our website"

They replied: "You want to buy boxing gloves?"

"Er nope" …. Though I was starting to think it may be a good idea and then go around to his place to see how good his apparatus works on his head!"

"Sorry don't understand, good bye" was their last reply.

Oh what a pity for them, this hotel has gyms in every one of their Hotels all over the world and their buyer from London just happened to be in Thailand at the time and was hoping to meet Muay Thai gym equipment suppliers to supply them for  every gym in every one of their 300+ hotels around the world!

The lesson in this story is; don't dismiss anything, until you have all the facts to hand!

Smart and wealthy people ask many questions to make sure they understand everything that they are looking at, that is how you make smart decisions" Alan explained.

Get on a Biz-fnd site today

Alan Johnston
Netmedia Asia

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