Beware of Christian Churches that Cause Harm to Families

Wonderful Churches can be Found but Potentially Harmful Ones do Exist
OKLAHOMA CITY - Aug. 10, 2016 - PRLog -- The title of this video is meant as an attention-getter. Let no one think this message is anti Christian church. On the contrary; it is very pro church because churches that don't have serious problems have become increasingly rare (e.g. church splits, voted-out pastors, etc.). The good ones that do exist are to be complimented in The Lord. Parents of families should beware of churches that have potential to cause spiritual harm to their loved ones. I give real life examples of things my own family has experienced, lest anyone thinks I'm talking about minor things, rather than those that can literally cause people to stop seeking relationship with God through Jesus Christ (non-converts). The things I relate, also have the ability to cause church drop-out and justifiably-so in many cases. Loss of church attendance on a large scale has been reported in many articles that state statistics on this phenomenon. Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 "Let no man deceive you by any means, for that Day shall not come, unless there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition". Jesus said of the same "last days" before the rise of the anti-Christ; "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." Is the drop in church attendance these days, due to those things displayed by a lack of love within churches (e.g. arrogance, non-compassion, hatefulness, gossip, slander, etc.)? See the video here:

James Lowrance
James M. Lowrance Publishing News
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