How to Publish a Bestselling Book - New Book

By: Hollywood Book Reviews
Aug. 6, 2014 - PRLog -- With numerous books published each year, either in e-book or traditional paper format, it is difficult for any author to stand apart from the crowd. This is especially true among those who choose the self-publishing route, which has opened up the opportunity for practically anyone to publish and sell their own work to the masses. While this new technology gives everyone the chance to become the next bestselling author—and certainly many have found fame and notoriety through self-published e-book sales alone—it also leaves much of the work of the final polishing of the book as well as the marketing to the author. With little background for making such decisions, many authors will make critical mistakes during this process, dooming their book to lackluster sales and poor reviews.

Writing a book can be daunting in and of itself, and the process of publishing can be downright overwhelming. Finding a friend with the experience to guide the aspiring author through each step can be invaluable, allowing them to avoid the problems encountered by so many writers. Indeed, the average person will most likely have little background to prepare them for the mountain of work ahead—everything from editing, copyright, and graphic design to pricing and marketing. The worldwide publishing market introduces even more complexity through differences in international copyright law and other such matters.

Luckily, there is a friend and expert available for all hopeful authors. In How to Publish a Bestselling Book …and Sell it WORLDWIDE Based on Value, Not Price!, Kim Staflund guides the reader through the modern publishing process from the viewpoint of an entrepreneur. As she observes in the book, an author may be writing a book of poetry or a young adult novel and so see this as a creative act; however, the publishing of a book is a business venture, forcing the author to take an entrepreneurial stance even before the printing has begun. In her book, Staflund details the crucial decisions that must be made at each step of the process so that the reader will not only be informed of the various options available for publishing their work but also receive practical tips to avoid costly mistakes, thus giving the hopeful writer the best chance for a polished, saleable book.

As a veteran of the publishing industry, Staflund certainly is an authoritative voice and provides helpful guidance in her newest book, How to Publish a Bestselling Book …and Sell it WORLDWIDE Based on Value, Not Price!. Although the book is partially an advertisement for her business, Polished Publishing Group, it is an invaluable resource to help authors smoothly navigate through the process of publishing their own work. Staflund seeks to provide information first; those areas that might be a bit out of her own area of expertise—such as international copyright law—are covered by authorities in those fields. An author herself, she not only provides practical advice throughout but also emotional support for authors as the creative process of writing can be so demanding. Through her down-to-earth style, she retains her own authority in the field while still being engaging and personable in her writing. Definitely Kim Staflund's book, How to Publish a Bestselling Book …and Sell it WORLDWIDE Based on Value, Not Price!, is a must-read for any writer hoping to publish their next book.

Hollywood Book Reviews
Source:Hollywood Book Reviews
Tags:Book Reviews, Publishing
Industry:Books, Business
Location:Nevada - United States
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