New Paradigm of Collaborative Culture Challenges Traditional Approach to LeadershipDownload your copy of the practical and accessible guide to group harmony titled Group Alchemy: The Six Elements of Highly Successful Collaboration on Amazon for Free from January 31 - February 4, 2013.
By: Wise Media Group Everyone talks about creating collaboration these days but Deborah Pruitt actually shows how it's done. Group Alchemy: The Six Elements of Highly Successful Collaboration, draws on Dr. Pruitt's many years of research in cultural anthropology and organizational development and provides a very accessible and practical guide to achieving group harmony. Based on the six essential elements of the Group Alchemy Formula, her book takes the reader, step by step through a ground breaking and comprehensive system that can work with any group of any size. Download your complimentary copy of Group Alchemy: The Six Elements of Highly Successful Collaboration from Amazon by visiting If you are passionate about making a difference in the world through your group's mission and vision, this book is the perfect guide for achieving spectacular results. As you work through the Group Alchemy Formula, clearly presented in six concise chapters, you will learn specific practices that enhance your group's ability in each of the six elements: Inspiration, Agreements, Accountability, Acknowledgement, Renewal and Mastery. Based in a new leadership paradigm that challenges the traditional "command and control" approach and gets directly to the heart of how a culture of collaboration is created from each individual in the group and not from the top down. It challenges a tradition of management that often creates barriers to the full expression of talent and creativity and leaves members of the group alienated, distrusted and disrespected. This is not a book about how to better manage people and get them to do what you want. It is instead a book about allowing the wisdom of the group to create a sustainable culture of working together towards a common goal. Group Alchemy: The Six Elements of Highly Successful Collaboration is your practical guide to: * Inspiring people to stay focused on results and give their best to your mission. * Quickly establishing the foundation for high-level collaboration with any colleague or partner. * Eliminating common hidden barriers to group communication and success. * Preventing the typical breakdowns and frustrations that limit the group's possibility. * Expanding the impact that you have on any group whether you are the formal leader or not. Did you know that you don’t need a Kindle to read a Kindle book? Learn how to read a Kindle eBook on virtually any device at: About the Author: Deborah Pruitt PhD is the CEO of Group Alchemy Consulting. She works with groups committed to making a difference in the world and who desire the satisfaction of a collaborative work environment. Her programs and workshops include online training, hands-on workshops, extended group development and executive coaching. She is a nationally known speaker and writer on the subject of culture change and group performance. More information is available at the Group Alchemy Website: tags: leadership skills, collaboration, organizational development, group dynamics, team building, group collaboration, collaboration techniques, organizational behavior, leadership development, leadership theory, non-profit communication, culture change business, shared leadership, leadership Contact Larry Jenson, Group Alchemy Consulting *** 415-652-7177 Photo: End Page Updated Last on: Jan 31, 2014