GILBERT, Ariz. -
July 20, 2013 -
PRLog -- The Mesa East Valley Chapter of the Accounting & Financial Women’
s Alliance (formerly American Society of Women Accountants)
installed the 2013-2014 Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs on June 25, 2013. The Chapter is pleased to announce its new board: Diane Hewlett, President & Assistant Webmaster; Kathryn Dunn, Treasurer; Joyanna Hammond, Assistant Treasurer; Deborah Wheeler, Secretary; Shelby Williams, Immediate Past President, Scholarship & Community Service Committee Leader; Laura Mangan, Membership Director, Public Relations & Webmaster; Patricia Schumacher, Assistant Programs Director; Karen Peterson, Newsletter Director, Cathy Knudsen, Career Services Director; Pat Donahue, Financial Literacy Committee Leader; Lora Bolick, Activities Committee Leader; and Anna Von Straussenburg, Member Relations/Bylaws. With the effort of these volunteers, the AFWA Mesa East Valley Chapter is looking forward to another successful year of growth, leadership development and community service.
Accounting & Financial Women’
s Alliance 2012-2013 National President Cheryl Heitz installed the new board members during the June membership meeting. The installation event included a special recognition for perfect attendance award winners including Dorothy Ashley 27 years, Laura Mangan 8 years, Shelby Williams 3 years and Diane Hewlett 1 year. Outgoing Chapter President Shelby Williams presented the Outstanding Member of the Year Award to Diane Hewlett for her support of the chapter’
s continuing development and leadership.
The Accounting & Financial Women’
s Alliance (formerly American Society of Women Accountants)
is a national professional non-profit organization whose mission is to enable women in accounting and related fields to achieve their full personal, professional and economic potential and to contribute to the future development of their profession. AFWA members are from various areas of accounting and finance including public, industry, government, financial services and academia and many have attained professional certifications. Benefits of membership include personal and professional support, scholarships, job referrals, leadership opportunities, management skills development, and quality CPE through local, regional and national meetings and conferences.
Formed 27 years ago, the AFWA Mesa East Valley Chapter continues to provide value to its members with education and leadership opportunities and create a positive impact on the community through VITA and financial literacy programs. The Mesa East Valley Chapter meets the fourth Tuesday of the month for networking and educational sessions at the Landmark Restaurant in Mesa. For more information on membership, the 2013-2014 program calendar and other chapter activities, please visit