Kate Winslet’s surprise marriage was in the stars, but may not last

The superstar actor’s surprise marriage was quite predictable, based on the planetary patterns affecting her but future ones indicate she could be in for a rough time shortly, says astrologer.
Dec. 30, 2012 - PRLog -- Australian astrologer Elizabeth Ball said Kate Winslet’s shock marriage to the nephew of Sir Richard Branson, Ned Rocknoll, was no surprise, based on her horoscope chart patterns.

“Their secret engagement during the UK summer occurred when a number of transiting planets were affecting her natal planets,” Ms Ball said.

Ms Ball, who is the founder of astrology company It’s In The Stars at www.itsinthestarsonline.com ran Kate Winslet’s FutureStars astrology transit report to find out what had happened at the time.

While most people didn’t even know the pair were engaged, there were several planetary patterns occurring at the time which may have clouded Kate Winslet's judgement.

“Between June and August, Kate Winslet had Jupiter squaring her natal Venus, opposing her natal Neptune and trining her natal Sun which creates emotional compulsiveness, an inability to see people realistically, as well as a desire to have fun,” she said.

Ms Ball said Kate Winslet also had Saturn conjuncting her Ascendant (which can make people want to settle down), Uranus opposing Pluto (a sign of new beginnings), and Pluto squaring her natal Pluto which always prompts a transformation.

“Interestingly, Kate and Ned kept their wedding in early December a secret, not even inviting their parents. When they married, transiting Neptune was opposing her natal Venus, a classic recipe for rose-tinted glasses,” Ms Ball said.

“Ironically, one of the paragraphs in my FutureStars astrology transit reports for this aspect reads: ‘Beware of secret or clandestine love affairs now: you should enjoy your love without having to hide it from others. Don't risk the trust and respect of your loved ones by being deceptive...If a new relationship begins now, it will be particularly romantic and captivating. Allow this transit to pass before making a firm commitment to anyone. Time will determine whether it is based on reality.”

Ms Ball said Kate Winslet could feel under intense pressure as soon as February 2013 when transiting Pluto squares her natal Sun and Ascendant and opposes her Moon and may have a shock separation in May 2013 when transiting Uranus opposes her natal Sun and Ascendant and squares her Moon.

“I think she could be in for a very trying time quite soon as Pluto aspects always force you to face facts while Uranian ones tend to pull the rug from out under your feet,” Ms Ball said.

“I’d advise all people thinking about making a major life change to book a consultation with me or one of my astrologers or to order a FutureStars transit report to find out what planetary patterns are affecting you,” she said.


It’s In The Stars has been producing luxury BabyStars and LoveStars astrology reports for parents and couples as gorgeous, unique anniversary, baby, birthday, christening, Christmas, engagement, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day and wedding gifts, since 2005.

You can now order consultations with Elizabeth Ball or one of her astrologers in the UK, USA or Canada in person or via Skype, buy inexpensive DIY Kits to make your own luxury astrology reports, email reports to arrive within 5 minutes in your inbox, gift-boxed gift certificates to give to others as gifts, and luxury gift baskets, each of which contain a LoveStars or BabyStars gift certificate.

She recently introduced the FutureStars transit reports to help people make better decisions based on the planetary patterns affecting their lives.

If you enjoy reading your stars, sign up now for the free monthly horoscope forecast at  http://www.itsinthestarsonline.com/newsletter to get your 2013 forecast.

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