Sol Solar Global Update 7.9.12.

Sol Solar Power Co., Ltd. is a world-leading manufacturer of high-performance solar power products.
By: Public Relations
Sept. 7, 2012 - PRLog -- Sol Solar Power Co., Ltd. is a world-leading manufacturer of high-performance solar power products. The company sells its products to manufacturers worldwide, who assemble and integrate solar cells into modules and systems that convert sunlight into electricity for residential, commercial, and utility-scale power generation.

The solar industry as a whole is seeing huge media exposure currently both positive and negative depending on what sector or industry is being discussed.

Today we would like to take the opportunity to advise our patrons and investors of what Sol Solar Power has working globally in reaction to the media reports spanning the news.

The Home Front – Spain

The current economic climate in Spain has been making the headlines since the beginning of the year. Due to our primary market being outside of Spain we have not been affected as negatively as some local companies. In fact due to the advancement of our Graphene process we have actually increased our staffing levels at our main plant in Sevilla and this has helped raise the local economy, both in spirits and financially.

We believe that as our business model is primarily development and export based, we will be sheltered from the Spanish economies issues and should benefit greatly in the coming months from the EU’s plans to bolster the economy.

Europe – Germany

With the introduction of the German Renewable Energy Act, with a target of 66GW of installed Photovoltaic’s solar panels by 2030 we see a huge commercial opportunity.

Germany has, for quite some time been the European leader in Solar energy and Angela Merkel has gone on record to state that they are looking to make redundant their nuclear power program in favor of renewable energies including solar, wind and wave.

The incentives for homeowners to use cells privately and to sell power back to the grid are becoming more enticing and this in itself is a fantastic opportunity for our private sales unit.

Europe & China

There has been tremendous coverage over the EU’s decision to look at how China has been exporting its Solar products to Europe. With over 60% of all China's solar exports coming to Europe there has been great concern over the competitive nature of the industry within the EU’s boarders.

With the cost of products falling almost 75% from 2008 to 2011 China has been accused of dumping the majority of its solar exports in Europe by several large scale solar manufacturers. In the same vein as the United States, the EU will commission a review on the situation, however considering this could take up to 15 months to complete we do not expect any serious changes to the regulations in the near future.

Again due to our current strategy, we do not feel we are being directly affected by China's influence in the EU and any reform can only benefit our domestic (European Union) program.

Latin America – Brazil

ANEEL, Brazil’s electricity regulator has announced the deployment of ‘Smart Meters’ in their latest report dated August 2012. This deployment encompasses all new meters and should be completed by 2014. This is part of Brazil's commitment to their Solar grid and will greatly enhance their ability to monitor power levels coming from private, public and government facilities. Metering power consumption and replenishment is a key factor in monetizing their grid infrastructure and is a huge step forward.

The entire renewable energy sector is set to accelerate as much as 8.7% year on year and by 2015 will be worth in excess of $87.9Bn. Sol Solar has had a presence in Brazil for several years and we are in a great position to benefit from the Brazilian

Government’s commitment to make renewable energy their main energy source both privately and publicly.

Latin America – Argentina

Argentina is the third largest energy consumer in Latin America. Currently they produce only 10MW of power through PV cell deployment. With a distinct shortage of their natural gas supplies (their #1 source of electricity production) Argentina are having to look at renewable energy to reduce their dependency on one of their key natural resources.

Their North Western and Eastern Plains are ideal locations for PV deployment and several companies are currently looking at sites to place facilities. This is a junior market for Sol Solar to be involved with at this stage. It will however help enhance our profile in the region and we are committed to working with local authorities and private sector companies, of which the majority of power is supplied to Argentineans to enable them to diversify their energy production options.

Africa – South Africa

With 2,500hrs of sunshine a year, South Africa has been slow to deploy PV facilities as an alternative to their fossil fueled power stations. The cost of electricity has steadily risen over the course of the last 3 years and this has raised concerns, both by the government and the populace alike.

Ultimately, we see the South African market as a private sector opportunity as the government looks to move forward with tax incentives aimed at private companies to entice them to fix the problems they are facing. This is an easy way out but we know through experience that as the cost of PV cells decrease, more private companies see the possibility of making a commercial PV facility profitable.

This is the same for consumer level purchases too. Infrastructure in South Africa is where the main issues lie and we see the consumer market having huge upside and are working with several local companies to see how we can drive this forward.  

Sol Solar Power strives to be at the forefront of our industry and we see our own developments with Graphene PV cells to be a stepping stone into markets currently neglected by the mainstream solar industry.

Renewable energy is the only way to sustain the planet and it is our goal to make sure that everyone benefits from our technology one way or another.

Sol Solar Power is committed to creating sustained value by producing high quality solar products and technologies that efficiently and economically harness the world's sunlight. Sol Solar Power core values are integrity, a relentless emphasis on quality and a passion for teamwork.

To find out more about our company and the services and products we provide, please visit our website:
Source:Public Relations
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Tags:Sol Solar Power, Update, Global, News, Europe
Industry:Energy, Technology
Location:Sevilla - Sevilla - Spain
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