New York Journal of Books Reviews "Dust to Dust: A Memoir" by Benjamin Busch

New York Journal of Books reviewer Vinton Rafe McCabe writes, "No other writer has moved me as much as Benjamin Busch has in writing about war. No other writer has created such a moment of grace . . ."
March 20, 2012 - PRLog -- New York Journal of Books reviewer writes, "No other writer has moved me as much as Benjamin Busch has in writing about war. No other writer has created such a moment of grace . . . Dust to Dust is a work of extraordinary merit. I’ve found no better book of any genre, by any author, so far this year, and likely will not in the months ahead. It is that rare sort of work that will allow you to be jealous of those who have yet to read it, because you know that intense pleasure that lies ahead. . . . In a world with so damned many books in it, Dust to Dust is one worth noting. . . . this is one to be savored"

Mr. McCabe also praises Benjamin Busch's work, "Truth to be told, there has never been another book like Dust to Dust. No other book carries the full freight of combat including two tours of duty in Iraq: one in which the young soldier feels invincible, the second in which he feels a fearful certainty that he will die. These experiences are spotlighted so that we can see not only the whites of their eyes, but the spit, sweat, and blood—and places the war within the context of the whole of life, as if combat were completely akin to a football injury, or the first day spent on a movie set, or a night filled with coyote howls. The soldier here is another Cincinnatus, his nation’s need for him finished, returning to his plow"

To read the full review of "Dust to Dust: A Memoir" by Benjamin Busch visit today!

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Premier online book review journal,publishing book reviews on date of release at midnight. Impressive site with comprehensive coverage of current titles by a reviewing panel of 80 professional reviewers who share a passion for the written word.(10/2010)
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