Wombs Waiting and Wombs Wanted has published their Website

Wombs Waiting and Wombs Wanted has published their Website www.wombswaitingandwombswanted.com. This website will be the platform for which couples can post their embryo donations and embryos needed.
Feb. 29, 2012 - PRLog -- Wombs Waiting and Wombs Wanted has published their website http://www.wombswaitingandwombswanted.com.

Wombs Waiting and Wombs Wanted provides a friendly place to bring Embryo Donors and Recipients together and this website will act as a platform for listing couples whom are donating embryos and those whom are looking to receive embryos.

For more information visit, http://www.wombswaitingandwombswanted.com

About the company: Wombs Waiting and Wombs Wanted is a company that was started to help couples find a solution for wanting a child thru embryo donations.  It is a web based platform where couples can post their profiles.  

Wombs Waiting and Wombs Wanted is not like other "agencies" you may find. First, we do not charge you thousands of dollars to find embryos for you. Second, we do not do any matching ourselves. It is our belief that donating and receiving couples should be able to take the lead in finding their own match. We feel that you will know your match when you see it. In addition, we also feel that it should be up to each party to work out the terms and conditions of their individual donations.

Wombs Waiting and Wombs Wanted leaves everything to you. We simply provide a place for you to let others know that you have a Womb Waiting or are looking for a Womb.

Wombs Waiting and Wombs Wanted allows all donors and recipients to VIEW any and all ads placed FREE of charge.

Donors will be able to register free of charge.

Recipients will be charged a non-refundable fee of $350 dollars, for a one year membership to place a profile online and receive contact information of our donors upon request.

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Website for posting profiles of couples looking to donate embryos and couples looking to adopt or receive embryos. The couples that are donating have embryos left from IVF and the couples that are looking to adopt have infertility problems. Website will also have advertisers from professionals that work with these situations.
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