Netmediauk Limited partners with

Netmediauk Limited one of the most prolific online marketing companies have partnered with an Insurance brokerage worth around £700 million on their flagship travel site.
Oct. 27, 2011 - PRLog -- Online marketing and travel insurance go hand in hand to take a simple travel blog from Netmediauk  Limited into the next level

Netmediauk's Director  Alan Johnston told us what partnership to Confused .com  means to him:

“Having a prestigious name like linked with our travel blog is a huge step and we welcome the kudos this brings. We battled to link ourselves with a world brand name and we had to jump through many hoops to get approval, they have many strict guidelines about appearance and acceptability of your site and we are just happy we came up to scratch.”

One of the reasons we wanted a comparison site was the fact that when we used a single Insurer people often used us as a quote source and went off elsewhere to get more quotes, any marketer or salesman will tell you, if you can offer a few alternatives it is deemed as a close. Comparison sites are the consummate alternative close, once you have a dozen or so quotes from all the big names that Confused work with, people pick one of those whilst still inside your site meaning we get the sale!”

Cheapest traveling Insurance .com have grow considerably since the domain was bought in January 2011 the sites traffic which in August  2011 was over 10,000 unique. This was all down to consistent blogs from our team of writers of holidaymakers from around the world sharing their stories on the site. Some blogs are from people who live in remote spots like Dorji's blog about her beloved Bhutan and tales from a single mum in Marmaris.
“As an online marketing company and what we know of SEO I just ask people to write about what was good, what was bad, tips for others visiting and the keywords flow naturally so I have to make very little changes to peoples blogs to make it attractive to search engines. We  accept blogs from anyone worldwide and we will publish your photos too, so people can have their holiday snaps online for anyone to see” Mr Johnston explained.

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