Win a unique personalized custom guitar.

The Spanish brand of guitars Boab Custom Guitars has just released this month a guitar solo contest. The winner wins a Boab Guitar with all the specs to choose.
Oct. 16, 2011 - PRLog -- The Spanish brand of guitars Boab Custom Guitars has just released this month a guitar solo contest. The winner wins a Boab Guitar with all the specs to choose. The prize is a unique guitar of just one in circulation, the dream come true, an authentic exceptional guitar tailor-made to his player. What else could guitarist ask for?

The participants have to record a video playing over an exclusive backing track already uploaded in the main website of the contest and upload the video to the website. The website of the competition is integrated in the famous video portal named youTube, reason why the playing  will be published automatically and the one with more views will be the winner of the guitar solo contest  even more the finalist will be chosen by the internet audience.

Boab Guitars stand out because of their graphical designs and the “tattooing” of the materials, that is, their drawings  and illustrations that  try to be careful of the wood shapes and the outline that the bevels describe in the surface of the wood in such a way that these are in harmony and visible once the illustration it’s finished.

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Boab guitars is a group of graphic artists, musical instrument handcrafters and musicians.
Boab guitars es un grupo de artistas gráficos, artesanos
de la música y sobre todo músicos.Nuestros diseños estan
basados en el estilo artistico BOAB, que consiste en el
tatuado de los materiales siguiende las formas que éste
describe, en el caso de una guitarra el dibujo se haría
respetando las betas de la madera y su forma.
Esto permite una completa personalización de amplificadores,
efectos de guitarra, correas de instrumentos, púas, ropa y
por supuesto guitarras con un sonido impresionante.
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Tags:Guitar, Contest, Personalized, Custom
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