Sept. 6, 2011 -
PRLog -- An example of satire from Not Entertainment News can be unnerving but there's a clear, clean ring of truth to it. "No need to get nasty, or to call people names. Leave that for political pundits and candidates,"
says Jonathan Lowe, a novelist and book reviewer by trade. "I give the guilty funny names, or if quoting them incorrectly, it's making a point. The humor has to be wild, so it won't be confused with the truth. For truth, you only have to read between the lines, which is the whole point." Satire is an art, and sometimes it's hit or miss, depending on who's reading it. "Logic is missing from our society, and I hope my blogs hammer this home. It's like love. Blind as hell, with low lighting from a flickering candle." A sample:
Is the governor of Texas a jinx? True, he does win elections because he devotes 99% of his time positioning himself to win the next election. But people outside the state are asking, (as Clyde Sommers of Floodasky, Vermont did this week), “How come the man can’t attract some water to his state?” Indeed. Just to the east of Perry enough water has been failing out of the sky to float Noah’s ark, and even New Mexico has been getting wet, while Texas is still as dry as the Sahara. “He’
s no rainmaker, for sure,” declares Clyde, “so if he gets into the White House, I predict a plague of locusts will sweep the country, and bread will cost $77 a loaf.” When asked why $77, Clyde responded, “They’re already predicting it’s going to $67 a loaf in 2012 due to Bernanke, so I figure if you add Perry’s crop devastation you can up it a sawbuck.” In other news, eighth grader Bradley Kerkle of Lima, Ohio claims that Obama’s aid to North Korea came from a program funding lunch programs at area schools. “My mother has been out of work since the day he was elected, and I’m hungry,” Kerkle complained on camera. Tea Party candidates are now investigating the accusation, and have hired consultants to give it the proper spin. So far they have discovered the obvious–that Obama borrowed most of the aid money from China, and that North Korea may divert some of the money to work on their nuclear program, which targets the U.S.. “That’
s not the smoking gun that we’re looking for, though,” said volunteer Judy Hershelschmidt. “What we really need is evidence that Obama is taking lima beans out the mouth of Bradley Kerkle of Lima, Ohio. That would make a great soundbite. Otherwise, it’s a non-story, on par with the fact that the super rich employ loopholes which allow them to pay no taxes, or that gold is soon going to $8000 an ounce.”