TBOS offers a new innovative Article Ad program to its advertising lineup

Tackle Box of Savings is offering a new innovative advertising program called Article Ads. These article ads will allow their advertisers to display not only their products but also include an informative and encouraging article about their products.
Aug. 18, 2011 - PRLog -- Tackle Box of Savings is including a new and exciting campaign to its already impressive print ad lineup.

Article Ads are a combination of an advertorial and a display ad and was created by company Founder, and Publisher Keith Tauber. "We wanted to bring content into our magazine TBOS without eliminating our ad only focus that has worked so well. We have done that with this innovative campaign that joins display ads with an article that not only explains the product but actually discusses how our retail shop owner readers can sell these products. We believe this new product will revolutionize how print ads will be perceived." says Keith.

How the ads work is when an advertiser buys the size ad they desire, they can then submit an article that will fit into the same space as their display ad and will run adjacent to their display ad. For example: Buy the 2 page spread plan and they would get a full page display ad plus a full page article. These would run on a left hand page and a right hand page respectively.

Keith added, "Each advertiser has some option for their articles. They can allow us to interview their top dealer and compile an article around this dealers success in selling these products or they can provide that info. They may also provide content of their choosing. I strongly encourage using a how to sell this product approach, as that will draw more attention from prospective dealers who are looking at various products to add to their retail stores."

TBOS will be rolling out these new Article Ads in their next issue which is slated to come out in December of 2011. TBOS is optimistic about tackle manufacturers of all sizes utilizing these new Article Ads. "Ads like this provide more value than traditional display ads" says Keith.

One thing is for sure, TBOS offers allot of value to their clients and this new ad program will only ad to their value proposition.

For more information on Tackle Box of Savings and their advertising opportunities, please click here: http://www.tackleboxofsavings.com/advertising_info or you may call Keith Tauber directly at 954-354-7385 between the hours of 9am-5pm EST.

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Tackle Box of Savings is a direct mail publisher that publishes industry specific trade magazines to the sport fishing industry. Our magazine is mailed to retail businesses who sell fishing and boating products. We also offer email campaigns to fishermen
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