Best Value Expos Steps Up, Fills Void With Spa & Salon Expo! Replaces Cancelled Atlanta Day Spa Expo

More qualified buyers attending - more vendors exhibiting! The Spa & Salon Expo-Atlanta is a perfect fit for this under-served southeast spa and salon market, as well as a great answer for doing business in the new economy of the 21st century!
April 21, 2011 - PRLog -- Las Vegas, Nevada, April 20, 2011 - Best Value Expos, a Nevada based national trade show producer, has announced the Spa & Salon Expo-Atlanta. SSE-Atlanta, a more all-inclusive event, replaces Bentley International Group’s second annual Atlanta Day Spa Expo originally scheduled for this September. SSE-Atlanta will be in the same great venue…The Cobb Galleria Centre, in the same hall and with the exact same dates, September 17, 18, 2011.

SSE-Atlanta is a dynamic event that greatly expands on the buyer base that will now be attending, as well as offering a larger group of exhibitors with more diverse product and category offerings for the increased number of buyers. SSE-Atlanta also offers other benefits to both exhibitors and attendees. These include reduced exhibit pricing for exhibitors and free exhibit hall access along with discount prices for the world-class “Ultimate Solutions Business Clinic” for all attendee buyers! SSE-Atlanta is perfectly scheduled at the biggest buying time of the year for all attendees to stock up for the busy winter and holiday season!

The increased number of exhibitors, plus the expanded diversity of products and categories will draw more attendance and better fill spas, salons and other buyers needs across the entire spectrum…any and all beauty, health and wellness products...every type and category of spa and salon products, supplies, equipment, furniture, business tools and services, as well as any décor, esthetic indoor or outdoor products for the business, along with anything else spa and salon professionals need for their full range of services and goods, operations and business in general. This includes for both in-house use, customer amenities and merchandise for the spas, salons and others to sell to their respective customers.

The widely expanded number of buyers SSE-Atlanta will draw include: Styling & beauty salons, all spa segments… resort, destination, day, medi & medical, salon-spas, eco & organic, health, fitness, wellness & aesthetics centers, as well as tanning salons, premium massage parlors, boutiques & specialty shops, beauty supply stores, health & nutrition stores, along with industry organizations & schools of every type that use & buy product. SSE-Atlanta is bringing in the real purchasing power…the owners, operators, directors and managers for all the above, as well as stylists, beauticians, estheticians, massage therapists, cosmetologists, manicurists/pedicurists & technicians, including independent & freelance practitioners...all looking to buy product!

Best Value Expos Executive Director, Shane O’Sheeran talked about replacing the Day Spa Expo and the vital need to fill that void. O’Sheeran explained, “Atlanta and the surrounding region are huge under-served spa and salon markets and a central hub for the entire southeast…Likewise the Cobb Galleria Centre is the perfect venue for this much-needed regional event for the industry. SSE-Atlanta is going to fill this under-served market in a big way. In the new economy of the 21st century B2B trade shows have changed…with few exceptions attendance numbers are lower because trade professionals are traveling cross-country to attend national shows less and less, in both frequency and distance they are willing to travel. This continuing trend challenges the value and return on investment of national trade shows. SSE-Atlanta offers the solution with this powerful regional event. SSE-Atlanta provides the value and ROI both exhibitors and attendees across every segment of the beauty, health and wellness market are looking for.”

Mitch Isaacs, of Maximum Conventions, a Las Vegas based full service trade show General Contractor for a wide range of industries and events confirmed the existence of the above-referenced ongoing trend. O’Sheeran continued: “I saw this trend as a positive… a real opportunity to drive more focused high-value, high-return regional events for both attendees and exhibitors. This economic climate is the new reality regarding trade shows for years to come and I think industry professionals on both sides of the equation deserve and should have convenient, easy-to-travel-to, affordable venues that fill both the buyers and vendors needs on every level!”

The serious buying and selling nature of the SSE, combined with reduced booth prices and greatly expanded buyer markets will draw more vendors to exhibit! The increase in exhibitors, expanded product and category offerings plus great discounts on the shows’ seminar program, The “Ultimate Solutions Business Clinic” along with free exhibit hall access will drive a large increase in attendee buyers. The Spa & Salon Expo-Atlanta is a perfect fit for this under-served southeast spa and salon market, as well as a great answer for doing business in the new economy of the 21st century!

For exhibit or attendee information please contact: Shane O’Sheeran, Director of Expositions, Spa & Salon Expo-Atlanta, Discount Health & Beauty Products Expo-Las Vegas  - Phone: 702-436-6854 - Fax: 702-446-6366 E-mail:  

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