No Morning Sickness for Moms Who Change Prenatal Vitamins

Prenatal vitamins recommended to women by doctors and found at drug stores are supposed to help moms-to-be have a healthy pregnancy and baby. Why is it then that many women find those prenatal vitamins actually make them sick?
April 16, 2011 - PRLog -- Morning sickness during pregnancy is often an unpleasant part of pregnancy for many women.  Their body is rapidly changing in ways they have never experienced before. Having morning sickness can add temporary discomfort and loss of energy for some moms to be.

Can a Vitamin Make You Sick?

One mom in particular, Debbra Sweet, found that when she used the prenatal vitamins prescribed by her doctor, she had bad morning sickness. Sweet, who has a vast understanding of healing the body naturally through quality vitamins, minerals, herbs and whole foods- quickly changed her prenatal vitamins to a brand she trusted for years. She found that by making this one simple change, her morning sickness stopped.  

Research has shown that on a cellular level, the molecules in our body ‘spin’ to the right.  It’s part of our life energy. Natural food, on a cellular level, spins to the right.  (It has life energy in it too.) When we ingest things that are natural – the body recognizes it as ‘like kind, the same, safe- ie: food and fuel for the body’.  The more healthy and natural the food we consume, the more our body absorbs, builds, repairs and sustains us with health, wellness and vitality.

Chemicals on the other hand, have a molecular spin to the left.  When we have chemicals enter our body, our body does not see it as food.  It goes into a natural mode of ‘defense, cleanse and eliminate’.

Modern Western Medicine and drugs found their origins by studying the active component of plants and herbal remedies that were used for centuries to heal sickness and disease.  Taking the ancient use of these plants, add modern chemistry to the mix, and you have the foundation for the plethora of modern miracle medicine.  In some cases though, that ‘mix’ actually creates more problems for the consumer. These problems are commonly known as side effects.

Many people suffer through the side effects caused by chemically made ‘fix it alls’.  Unfortunately, most of those people have been educated that it is just the way it is when using drugs and medicine.  

There is much research available that shows these drugs, which are designed to ‘cure’ are actually made so what they do is mask or reduce the initial symptom.  There has been a healthy movement for consumers to look towards traditional, more natural ways to take care of their body.  Some of this includes eating more raw, whole foods. Some of this includes finding chemical free, highly potent vitamin supplements to ensure core nutrition is being met for the body.

When it comes to women who are pregnant, it is beneficial for them to look at their prenatal vitamins especially if they are suffering from morning sickness. Are the prenatal supplements they are using chemically manufactured with fillers, low quality ingredients and synthetic replicas of nutrients? Or, are they made with top quality resources that are free of pollutants, chemicals and materials that are counter productive to what they should be doing?

Sweet, an advocate for women who are pregnant and want healthy, natural and quality products during pregnancy and post delivery,  had been using a brand of vitamins since 1997. She knew that the manufacturer of this brand had the absolute highest standards for quality control for all of their nutritional products.   She new that there are no chemicals, preservatives, artificial fillers or sub-par ingredients in their products.

When Sweet became pregnant with her first child in 2000, she did use at first the prenatal vitamins recommended to her by her doctor.  Every time she used them, she got sick.   Debbra quickly changed her vitamin to the brand she was familiar with as they also manufacture a very pure Prenatal Vitamin.

Sweet quickly noticed that she did not have any morning sickness once she made that change.

Debbra shared her story with her friends that were also having morning sickness with their pregnancies. They too changed their chemically made prenatal supplements to these all natural prenatal vitamins and experienced the same reduction in morning sickness.

Inspired by the ability to help other women feel better, reduce their morning sickness, have a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby, Debbra’s passion to share this resource and educate pregnant women came to life.

The No Morning Sickness website,  is an information and convenient shopping resource on how to stop morning sickness naturally that Sweet developed.   It provides beneficial information about the issues surrounding “morning sickness”.  It also helps women shop directly with the manufacturers that produce these high quality, chemical free, natural prenatal vitamins.  

Sweet says that “Morning Sickness is a symptom. It is your body’s way of balancing the internal environment for you and your baby.

It’s your body’s way of telling you that there are too many toxins inside and your body is doing what it knows best to do:  make a change and eliminate the toxins to create a safe, healthy place for your baby to grow.

You will know that by using this Prenatal Vitamin, you are not putting any toxins, chemicals or other harmful additives into your body!  This works so well that I also used it after my babies were born.  I continued using the prenatals while nursing. Occasionally, I still choose this as my daily vitamin because it’s so effective yet very gentle on the stomach.”

So…yes. Vitamins CAN make you sick if you are using any that are made chemically.  All the vitamins, minerals, and herbal products on the site are made without ANY chemicals, there’s no heat processing (so they retain all their nutritional value) – and – most importantly, the raw materials (plants) harvested for these products come from all over the world.  

“I used these prenatal vitamins during my pregnancy and so have many of my friends. We all had morning sickness before using this brand.  Each of us experienced a reduction in nausea once we changed our vitamins. Myself - and many of my friends - actually found that having changed our prenatal vitamins to this line of Prenatal Vitamins, it naturally stopped our morning sickness completely,” said Debbra.   She swears by the natural health benefits of these prenatal vitamins as she used them for both of her pregnancies.  

For further information about No Morning Sickness, Debbra invites you to visit her website,

Media Contact Information:

Debbra Sweet
No Morning Sickness
Phone:    760-597-2790
Business Address: P.O. Box 3460, Vista, CA. 92085

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