Passive Solar Homes in Wisconsin

Design and build a home to take full advantage of the FREE energy provided by the sun! It's simple, low cost, and should be used by every builder and architect but sadly it's not.
Dec. 14, 2010 - PRLog -- P.E.A. Builders of Muskego Wisconsin has been building High Performance Passive Solar homes for over 15 years.  Passive Solar techniques are mostly ignored by architects and builders but P.E.A. Builders uses advanced building science strategies to maximize the benefits of Passive Solar in the homes they design and build.

How PEA Builders maximizes the benefits of Passive Solar

- Optimizing living spaces with southern exposure.
- Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) for exterior walls that provide super insulation and air sealing characteristics without the heat loss associated with studs.
- High performance windows by Serious Materials that are up to 4 times better than other windows in R-Value (up to R-11.1)
- High Solar Heat Gain windows on southern exposures to maximize the amount of solar energy entering the home's interior spaces.
- Thermal mass to collect solar energy which then releases that energy back into the home after the sun sets.
- Proper overhangs to shield out the sun's heat in the summer months reducing cooling loads.

Not only is free heat energy brought in to the home but natural light also reduces the need for using lighting fixtures during the day time.

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PEA Builders, which stands for Progressive Environmental Alternatives, has more experience building the most energy efficient homes in the Midwest. No other builder can come close to the performance levels we achieve with our standard features.

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