R. Christian Minson of Breathflow becomes a Bestselling Author with “Align, Expand and Succeed”

R. Christian Minson of Breathflow Wellness, conscious entrepreneur and co-author of "Align, Expand and Succeed" achieved bestseller status in the highly successful book launch on Oct 19, 2010. The book addresses a new paradigm of conscious business.
By: Breathflow Wellness-R. Christian Minson
Oct. 27, 2010 - PRLog -- R. Christian Minson of Encinitas, CA (North San Diego County) achieved bestseller status with the release of Align, Expand and Succeed; Shifting the Paradigm of Entrepreneurial Success. Christian’s chapter is Shift Happens: Inspiration for a Life in Transition.
Love Your Life Publishing launched a compilation of 40 inspiring and thought provoking stories in the new anthology Align, Expand and Succeed; Shifting the Paradigm of Entrepreneurial Success on Tuesday, October 19, 2010.  

"Align, Expand and Succeed speaks volumes about how important it is for entrepreneurs to shift their inner game if they want to experience outer success. I encourage you to read it right away."
~T. Harv Eker,
Author of the #1 New York Times Best Selling Book Secrets of Millionaire Mind

Align, Expand and Succeed; Shifting the Paradigm of Entrepreneurial Success achieved #1 bestselling book status as well as Movers and Shakers in hot new releases on Amazon.com in the following categories: Entrepreneurial, Business and Investing, Small Business and Entrepreneurship. The book also achieved a high ranking in the category of Spirituality.
“Everyone at Love Your Life Publishing feels so blessed to have worked with such amazing men and women. They are living examples of those who walk their talk,” says Lynne Klippel, Managing Partner; Love Your Life Publishing.
"As you read the stories in this book, you will find real life tales of remarkable courage, strength, and perseverance.  You will be inspired, entertained, and uplifted. Some of the stories will make you laugh. Some of them will make you cry. All of them will make you proud of the power of the human spirit and today’s conscious entrepreneur," claims Christine Kloser, Executive Partner and CEO of Love Your Life Publishing.
The launch of this book was supported by over 100 top authors, industry experts, coaches and visionaries who supported the vision through blogging, social media marketing and interviews of the authors.

R. Christian Minson
R. Christian Minson is a former monastic, Certified Breathwork Facilitator, and conscious entrepreneur. Through his company, Breathflow Wellness, Christian teaches the application of spiritual principles and breathing techniques to achieve modern-world success and happiness. As the “monk on the street,” he has delivered his message to churches, universities, and yoga centers around the country and abroad, as well as contributing to Vision Magazine. For FREE breathing technique downloads and more information, visit his website www.BreathFlow.com.

For further information on Align, Expand and Succeed, Love Your Life Publishing and interviews with the authors, contact Lynne Klippel at publisher@loveyourlifepublishing.com  or 800-314-5590 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              800-314-5590      end_of_the_skype_highlighting (EST)

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The Breathflow process leads people to self-empowerment by releasing negative emotions and connecting with their higher self, using the vehicle of powerful techniques of conscious breathing, in the format of workshops, seminars, and individual sessions.
Source:Breathflow Wellness-R. Christian Minson
Email:***@breathflow.com Email Verified
Tags:Conscious Business, Paradigm Shift, Entrepreneurial Success, Health, Wellness, Breath, Breathing, Self-help
Industry:Business, Books, Education
Location:Encinitas - California - United States
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