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Follow on Google News | Launch of Ringa Communications, a mobile marketing (AdRBT) company in India.With over 750 million mobile users in India, the mobile phone is now more prolific than any medium put together. With over 9 billion calls made each day, Ringa Communications taps this opportunity potential to delivers a powerful marketing medium.
By: Anita Roy Advertisements via RBT, termed as AdRBT is the new wave in mobile advertisement. Ringa communication launched with a potential to deliver over 900 million ad-rings (ringas) across the country has wider reach than any other competitor in the mobile advertising space. Advertisers and Publishers can customize the reach to a specific region (Telecom circle) and in future would be able to even target ads to reach specific areas within a city too, making it one of the most powerful advertising medium with a reach more than any existing medium. Mobile ART® (Advertisement solution via Ring-back Technology) - Ringa Communications' AdRBT solution helps advertiser reach millions of prospects at a fraction of the cost, compared to other mediums. Mobile ART also guarantees the reach and advertisers pay only for ads that are valid and heard. Mobile ART has the capability to capture listener's feedback via pre-set keys while listening to an ad, and send additional information real time via Text message, WAP URL Push or Call Back feature. With a guarantee to reach every corner of India and across networks, Mobile ART is the perfect solutions for companies to launch their new products, increase sales or gather feedback from market. Mobile ART's breakthrough technology can help advertisers reach millions of prospects in a very short duration of time and can be customized in different language based on caller's circle. Our technology systems can also ensure that an ad is not played beyond a set number of times so that the advertiser can reach more prospects using this breakthrough technology. With the extensive intelligence gathering built into our system we can also play ads in parts (story boarding) and guarantee the sequence so that it make perfect sense while delivered to the audience, a feature that no medium can guarantee or deliver today. Wilson Chacko, the Customer Relationship Head adds, "With this technology some of our partnering companies will be soon able to launch their new product to millions in a matter of few weeks. We not only help our clients reach large number of prospects but we also assist them in deciphering and passing back vital information that is gathered during the course of the campaign. This helps them target the right region/segment to give an edge over their competitors." Satish mentioned that the pricing for this medium is so lucrative that it is a no brainer when it comes to opting for it. "It’s a fraction of the cost compared to the other mediums and the best part, its targeted and with a guaranteed reach." Ringa has a limited inventory of 900 million ringas (ring-ads) and plans to increase this by 4 times in the next 4-6 months. Over a period of time enough intelligence would be built using the data captured to help advertisers reach the market in most effective way. Advertisers can chose to write to any of our sales office to know more about Mobile ART solution and how it can help your company benefit. Write to us at or call Wilson Chacko (Client Relationship Leader) at +91-9841003177. Ringa Communications Private Limited - A leader in mobile marketing's AdRBT solution. # # # With over 750 million mobile subscribers in India, the mobile phone is now more prolific than television, radio and computer put together. With an average of 12 calls a day, there are over 9 billion calls made each day ! Ringa Communications taps this opportunity potential to the maximum and delivers a powerful marketing medium for your organization to harness it for its growth. End