Freezing Property Taxes, Road Tolls NOT Short or Long Term Solution for Toronto’s Fiscal Crisis

Why not less government intervention in all aspects of our lives. No more claims that new bylaws,regulations or new programs will solve everything and restrict our lives by telling us what to eat, drink and how to cook and all on the taxpayers dime
Sept. 11, 2010 - PRLog -- In my opinion Toronto requires a long term plan which moves away from the current political left leaning ideologies that governments knows what is best for all of us.

Existing city hall logic is attempting to intervene in all aspects of our lives thus taking away our individual freedom to act. Unfortunately too date we have let them get away with it.

Torontonians have all heard incumbents claims that with a new bylaw, regulation or new program they will solve everything which in their minds justifies such restrictions placed on our lives for telling us how to live, eat , drink and cook.

Yet these same councillors deliberately forget to mention the fact that all this is done with your money  and they will further use to micro manage our city's businesses and free enterprise system by going into debt on your behalf.

On October 25 lets start by electing new councillors like myself, Peter CLARKE who offer a new or forgotten political ideology that less and smaller governments with fewer regulations and bylaws and emphasis on self help rather than government handouts might just be the answer because it will be coming from us as individuals.    

As your councillor elect, I Peter CLARKE strongly believe that If we are to reverse the current fiscal crisis, caused directly by out of control chronic spending, first city hall must be led and have controlled spending at no greater than the rate of inflation for the previous year.

Spending in the world of reality can not of course be frozen for one year but must be controlled. Ideally all levels of government should be mandated by legislation which requires controlled spending at the previous year rate of inflation.

The city’s budget process for services, programs and departmental budgets must be first capped at the 2010 figures for 2011 and proceed on a zero base budgeting process.

Any required increases must be held to the ANNUAL RATE of INFLATION of the preceding year commencing with the 2011 budget process and thereafter in perpetuity.

We require a lasting reduction in size of the current employee levels at city hall  by between 12% to 20% over the next four years. This would be accomplished through attrition, hiring freeze and a permanent reduction in staff levels and not just for one year.

This reduction also applies to the make of council which should be decreased in size from 44 members to 22 councillors in line with the 22 existing provincial riding's for Toronto.  

Further incumbent councillors self given golden benefit severance package of a full years salary after their individual defeat at the polls must immediately be rescinded after the election by the new council.

Unfortunately toll roads as a new form of taxation for public transit would also not achieve any-one's desired or hoped for results.

As for toll roads in my opinion they just are Not the right solution for the Don Valley, Gardner, 401, The GTA or Toronto taxpayers and commuting public.

In 2008 Scotland abolished all toll roads and in the already bankrupt state of California its toll roads system is dysfunctional and is causing further traffic snarls, delays etc. Toll roads are not the answer for Toronto, motorists or businesses.

However Toronto's new council Insisting that our federal and provincial governments annually commit 20% of the billions of dollars collected currently through gasoline and diesel taxes must be allocated by law to cities with existing Public Transit Systems is ONE SOLUTION and a move in the RIGHT direction for motorist, businesses, Condo and Homeowners alike.

This is a minimum start for repairing fiscal problems that will continue to grow out of control if we do not change the political ideology of spending, taxing, and borrowing and downloading debt onto our children and their children’s generation.

Please visit my campaign mission platform @

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CLARKE an INDEPENDENT NOT a CAREER Politician or supporter of any political party, special interest group or lobbyists. PETER is your average citizen candidate and answerable only to the people NOT a political party, special interest group or lobbyist

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