UniversiTools Generates Exam Schedules in Minutes

Right! with UniversiTools Exam Scheduler software, you can generate 100% conflict-free examination schedules for your university in a few minutes.
May 25, 2010 - PRLog -- In fact, UniversiTools Exam Scheduler allows you to automatically and efficiently generate conflict-free schedules for mid-term, final, or other types of examinations. It works within your preset preferences (or constraints), such as: day on which exams start, number of exam sessions per day, number of exams per exam session, daily exam time, breaks between successive exam sessions, and off-days.
Real Scenario 1:

A University enrolls 7000 students and offers 450 courses. By Using UniversiTools Exam Scheduler software XYZ need only input student registration list, which the Scheduler reads from your Student Information System (SIS), external file, or other data source.

Then, in less than 7 minutes a 10-day Final Exam schedule will be generated without any conflict at all. This exam schedule holds 3 exam sessions per day: 8 a.m. – 10 a.m., 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., and 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. And, up to 1500 students take exams at the same time.

Having automatically generated the exam schedule, the Scheduler would still allow you to move any exam from its scheduled session to another one, ensuring no conflict in this move.

The above mentioned values pertain to the case at hand.

For a 15-minute presentation about UniversiTools Scheduler software, contact Mr. Nicholas Matta at White Mountain Technologies or submit the online request form at UniversiTools.com.

About UniversiTools

UniversiTools (or University Tools) software system is comprised of a comprehensive Student Information System (SIS), Scheduling modules (course scheduling, classroom scheduling, exam scheduling, and common time locator), Management modules (career center and alumni center), Student Recruitment module (new) that monitors new student applicants, and Online Presence & Search Engine Optimization service meant  to improve the volume and quality of traffic to university website from search engines and to broaden university market reach.

UniversiTools modules run as stand-alone or integrate seamlessly with existing Student Information Systems (SIS) used by many universities, such as Banner Unified Digital Campus and CampusVue.

UniversiTools software caters to multilingual universities. Members of the UniversiTools user community in the Middle East include such universities as Universite Saint Esprit Kaslik (USEK) in Lebanon, American University in Dubai (AUD), and American University of Ras Al Khaimah (AURAK).

UniversiTools software is developed by White Mountain Technologies along with other software tools like Skoolee Tools and BaseCamp.

Skoolee Tools - school management software and student information system - is designed specifically for multilingual international, private and progressive public schools in the Middle East and North Africa.

BaseCamp LMS - learning management system - helps medium to large companies and organizations manage their executive and professional education and training requirements.

Contact Information

E-mail:  info@universitools.com
Web: http://www.universitools.com

White Mountain Technologies Hotel Dieu Street, Al-Mathaf Center, Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon

Tel: +961-1-422 765
Web: http://www.whitemountaintechnologies.com

PO Box 33263 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: + 971-50-302-9336  

Tel: +974-601-9097

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White Mountain Technologies develops software for the Arab Middle Eastern education & training sector: Skoolee Tools school e-learning software; UniversiTools University Software; and BaseCamp LMS for corporations. Headquartered in Beirut, Lebanon.
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