CLARKE with the Common Sense of the People and $283 Million in Savings & Funding for Public Transit

provincial and federal government allocated $13 BILLION of taxpayers’ money bailing out -Chrysler-GM to save some 18,000 jobs in 2009 .Assisting 3 MILLION job earners in Toronto should be a no brain-er for politicians from all political parties
May 8, 2010 - PRLog -- All Torontonians know that our TTC does NOT need a new office building but URGENTLY needs a New Chairman, a New Board, New revised Transit City Plan and a firm commitment from the federal and provincial governments to assist cities with existing public transit systems by immediately giving all cities a percentage of the existing gasoline and diesel taxes based on population.

Our provincial and federal government allocated $13 BILLION of taxpayers’ money bailing out -Chrysler-GM in their futile attempt to indefinitely save some 18,000 jobs in 2009.

Then assisting over 3 MILLION job earners in Toronto by making a lasting commitment to public transit in all cities should be a no brain-er for politicians from all political parties.

Toronto’s 50 plus federal and provincial sitting elected members of the public, if they wish to get themselves reelected, should immediately be demanding assistance for  the 3 MILLION citizens in Toronto they claim to represent, by immediately announcing an annually allocation of 20% from EXISTING GASOLING AND DIESEL TAXES, to cities with existing public transit systems.  

Peter CLARKE who is your average independent non career politician is seeking a seat on Toronto council from North York Ward 23 against”an existing incumbent councillor who turned public service into a 28 year employment opportunity”, Peter states.

For a complete and detailed outline of Peter Clarke's proposes $283 MILLION in savings to taxpayers, just visit his web site and click Clarke Campaign Mission.

Toronto is OUR CITY, YOUR VOTE and OUR FUTURE TOGETHER begins with your victory on October 25, 2010, for our North York Community and Toronto as one united city.

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CLARKE an INDEPENDENT NOT a CAREER Politician or supporter of any political party, special interest group or lobbyists. PETER is your average citizen candidate and answerable only to the people NOT a political party, special interest group or lobbyist

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