Web Site’s Irreverent Humor Raises Eyebrows as It Introduces Constitutional Rights.

A mash-up of movie and TV clips, grabs from YouTube, blogs, music videos, laugh-out-loud text and edgy visuals blows the dust off our civil liberties.
Jan. 28, 2010 - PRLog -- “There are textbooks that do a superb job of teaching civil liberties. Our Constitutional Rights is something different. It complements those formal lesson plans but it’s fresher and more fun.” says Pat Shiplett, editor. “The Constitution contains the most powerful ideas ever put on paper. Humor helps bring them to life.”

Some people may not be totally comfortable with this unorthodox web site. But teachers who encourage students to think outside the box will appreciate that Our Constitutional Rights blows the dust off our civil liberties and shows how they shape our society.

Like the Constitution itself, the site deals with mature themes — from religion to the death penalty to the bedroom. It’s written for mature teens and older.

For all its humor, http://ourconstitutionalrights.com/ happens to be a smart, well-organized reference tool that anyone researching a classroom assignment, facing a citizenship exam or just exploring our freedoms will appreciate. It moves from the Bill of Rights through the Civil War amendments to voting and reproductive rights. Visitors are directed to full constitution texts, landmark court decisions, a mouse-over glossary and helpful links.

With the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (http://www.americancivicliteracy.org/) reporting fewer than half of all Americans can name the three branches of government, Our Constitutional Rights may be a fresh approach whose time has come.

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About Our Constitutional Rights: http://ourconstitutionalrights.com/ is an educational, non-commercial public-service project (Fair Use copyright limitations apply). It's posted by volunteers working to build awareness of our inalienable rights.

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