Online CPR bring lifesaving to the masses

Everyone should know CPR, and new training methods are bring the traditional lifesaving techniques to the masses. New studies indicate that actual lifesaving techniques taught in traditional CPR classes can be effectively taught in minutes online.
By: Jon Greene
Jan. 12, 2010 - PRLog -- Among the mass of information available on the internet today, is some that may ACTUALLY save your life, or that of a loved one, friend or stranger. That information is online CPR, AED and First Aid training and certification courses. Traditionally the only people who received CPR training were those in a career which required them to do so. Professional rescuers, police officers, nurses, teachers, daycare providers are all typically in situations in which CPR training and certification is a necessity. They are faced daily with situations in which someone may require CPR techniques to save their life. Even though those individuals are regularly in high risk situations, ALL of us are in situations daily where we may need to use CPR, first aid, or operate an AED machine. Anyone can require these methods at any time. Accidents happen, people have heart attacks or strokes, people fall down, kids get hurt. Every day we are hearing more stories about someone who was saved by a bystander when they had a heart attack while jogging, playing sports, driving, or standing in a line at the store. With the techniques learned in these online courses, such as the ones here;  you could be the person to save someones life. You don't want to be in a situation in which you need to know CPR, and don't know it.

Typically these traditional courses were, and still are held in training centers at a cost of $75 or more and consumed 6-16 hours.  However, these days there is a much more efficient and cost effective way to receive this training and certification. In fact, some new studies and research indicates that they can actually be MORE effective than traditional classes, as well as providing more up to date information. Sites like are at the forefront of providing this training for free to individuals who never would have received it before due to the cost, lack of time, or availability of a nearby class. Online classes can be taken at home, at any time, and range from free to $19.95 for full certification that is valid for two years.

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"NewLife CPR provides the modern online CPR certification and training solution for the traditional classroom setting for CPR, First Aid and AED. Providing the most up to date curriculum for both layperson rescuers and Professional Healthcare Providers."
Source:Jon Greene
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