Online Surety Bond Provider Launches New Website With Online Bond Applications

One of the leading surety bond providers has just revealed their brand new Web site that allows visitors access to instant bonds and online applications that will speed up the surety bond application process.
By: Ralf Rigo, Owner
Oct. 9, 2009 - PRLog -- Ralf Rigo, owner of online surety bonds agency, has announced the launch of a newly designed web site designed to make it easier for people to find the applications they need for a surety bond.

“Surety bonds can be confusing,” Rigo said.  “Many times people call us unsure about which bond they need, or how to fill it out… and we wanted to build a site that made it as easy as possible for people to get bonded at the lowest price possible.”

With the recent requirement by Medicare to have a surety bond in place by October 1, 2009 (the deadline was recently extended to December 31), the newly launched site was flooded with customers.

While the Medicare application is not an instant bond, meaning a person can’t pay with their credit card and receive the bond the same day, business owners who supply Medicare equipment did find that they were able to apply online and skip the hassle of printing and faxing documents.

“I have so many more plans for this web site…” Rigo said.  “There are features that will be added soon that will make it even easier to find a bond and apply immediately for it.”

Rigo added that as always, low prices remain a priority.  Despite all the changes the web site is undergoing for the better, one thing that remains unchanged is the network of bonding companies that is able to get quotes from.

“Our relationships with so many different surety companies is what allows us to provide such good pricing options for our customers, and that’s not going to change,” Rigo emphasized.

For additional information regarding and the new online bond applications, contact Ralf Rigo or visit

# # # was started in Syracuse New York 40 years ago by Ralf Rigo as an insurance and surety bond provider. The agency grew to 5 offices statewide and is now consolidated into 1 office to provide a web based nationwide surety bond service.
Our focus has always been service to our clients and to present innovative products that produced value and convenience.

Our philosophy is implied by our name. We believe in providing a fast easy to use surety bond service that provides as broad a bond selection as possible. In a constantly changing market place we are always on the lookout for the best value for our clients. Our online presence started as soon as the internet made it possible to do so. Having overcome all the skepticism about the usefulness for this type a surety bond service on the web we are now in a position provide a bonds for most needs.
Source:Ralf Rigo, Owner
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Tags:Bond, Surety, Surety Bond, Surety Bonds
Industry:Business, News, Bonds
Location:Syracuse - New York - United States
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