Civil Society Launches UN Extraterrestrial Initiative at National Press Club Press in Washington, DC

Four non-governmental organizations have launched a joint initiative to urge the implementation of a historic UN General Assembly Decision concerning extraterrestrial life and UFOs, adopted on December 18, 1978.
By: Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS)
April 22, 2008 - PRLog -- Implementation of UNGA Decision 33/426 (1978) Initiative
Exopolitics Institute ● Exopolitics Toronto ● Institute for Cooperation in Space ● Institute for Multi Track Diplomacy



[ Washington DC – April 21, 2008] Four non-governmental organizations have launched a joint initiative to urge the implementation of a historic UN General Assembly Decision concerning extraterrestrial life and UFOs, adopted on December 18, 1978. This year marks the 30th anniversary of UN General Assembly Decision 33/426 that invited: "Member States to take appropriate steps to coordinate on a national level scientific research and investigation into extraterrestrial life, including unidentified flying objects." The Decision further invited Member States to "inform the Secretary-General of the observations, research and evaluation of such activities." Text of UN Decision is attached.

The four NGOs have sent letters to the governments of France, the United Kingdom, Mexico and Brazil requesting each to forward to the UN Secretary General details of documents concerning UFOs each country has publicly released in the last several years.
A letter will be been sent to UN Secretary General Ban reminding him of the upcoming 30th anniversary of General Assembly Decision 33/426 and requesting a meeting to discuss its implementation; and informing him of recent observations, research and evaluation concerning extraterrestrial life and UFOs.

The main goal of the joint NGO initiative is to have the UN Secretary General take steps to implement General Assembly Decision 33/426.

For more information, please contact

Michael E. Salla, M.A., Ph.D. – 808-323-3400
Exopolitics Institute

United Nations General Assembly Decision 33/426 (1978)

[Reproduced from Resolutions and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly during its 33rd Session (1978-1979): A/33/45 (GAOR, 33rd Session, Suppl. No. 45)]

33/426. Establishment of an agency or a department of the United Nations for undertaking, co-ordinating and disseminating the results of research into unidentified flying objects and related phenomena

At its 87th plenary meeting, on 18 December 1978, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Special Political Committee adopted the following text as representing the consensus of the members of the Assembly:

"1. The General Assembly has taken note of the statements made, and draft resolutions submitted, by Grenada at the thirty-second and thirty-third sessions of the General Assembly regarding unidentified flying objects and related phenomena.

"2. the General Assembly invites interested Member States to take appropriate steps to coordinate on a national level scientific research and investigation into extraterrestrial life, including unidentified flying objects, and to inform the Secretary-General of the observations, research and evaluation of such activities.

"3. The General Assembly requests the Secretary-general to transmit the statements of the delegation of Grenada and the relevant documentation to the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, so that it may consider them at its session in 1979.

"4. The Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space will permit Grenada, upon its request, to present its views to the Committee at its session in 1979. the committee's deliberation will be included in its report which will be considered by the General Assembly at its thirty-fourth session."


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